Hanahaki disease.
I see no one ever created a drawing/oneshot about an AUL character having this disease.
With the power of imagination, boredom,
And baper and gabuts :vI created this nonsense.
If there's a oneshot of this context.
I will immediately read it lmao-Btw sorry for no update today, i've been busy on something.
I'm currently working on something.
It Will probably posted tomorrow...
Probably.....Gak ada kerjaan lain.
Kerjaan ku hanyalah:
Maen hp
Baca fanfic
Ngesimp karakter
Mikirin masa depan
Nge uwu in karakter.
Gambar ketidakjelasanIf you're bored enough, just translate what i said above or not idc.
Yea i'm lazy lmao-
I'm deeply sorry :(