Chapter 2- telling mom

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*The next morning*

"Good morning girls! Did you get ANY sleep last night?" My mother is always this cheery in the morning. She is DEFINITELY a morning person. Me, not so much

"Ughhhhh, what time is it?????"

"Why, it's 7:00! I always wake you up at 7:00 Chloe! Remember????"

Oh dear "On school days! Not on Saturday mornings!!!!!! Ugh, I'm going back to sleep."

"Now you just wait a second there Missy! Exactly just how long are you and Katy going to sleep??? You have softball this afternoon, remember!?" she only calls me Missy when she knew I'm not paying any attention to what she was saying and she wants me to.

" Oh right. Fine then, we'll get up early and only sleep til about 3 pm OK?" I looked at her, biting down my smile

" Chloe!!!!!! Your softball starts at 2!!!!!!!!!!" Then she sees the look on my face and laughs. I join in

" Its OK mom, we'll get up at around 10 alright?" I wipe my eyes

She nods and left. I look over at Katy. She is still asleep; she can sleep through almost anything.

I lie back down and close my eyes. But I'm already awake, so I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling, letting my mind wander

Suddenly, the events of last night come rushing back to me. The news announcement, Aunt D(Aunt Dorothy) the scratches........

I realize I'm hyperventilating, so I close my eyes and took a couple deep breaths. Finally, after about a minute or two of deep breathing, my heart rate slows and I'm breathing normally.

I look at the clock. 7:30 am. I know it isn't 10, but I have to wake Katy up. I need someone to talk to.

"Katy wake up, Katy! Katy! WAKE UP!" I shake her shoulder, HARD, but still, she remains asleep.

"I guess I'm gonna have to do this the hard way!"I always have to do it the hard way with her

I sneak upstairs to my bedroom, and pull out my cap gun- a pistol(my fav). I make sure it's loaded, then walk downstairs and stand near Katy's feet. You know how Katy hates weapons(guns,knives, the works)?


I shoot the cap gun 3 times, and Katy screams, jumps out of her sleeping bag and runs out the back door. I put the cap gun down and ran after her. She is sprinting down my driveway.

I laugh out loud before slipping my shoes on and running after her. I catch up to her at the end of the driveway and grab her by the wrist. I pull her to a stop.

She starts trying to pull violently away from me, screaming her head off " Bloody murder! Bloody murder! Get off of me! HELP!"

I clamp my hand over her mouth. She stops screaming and makes a whimpering noise. I turn her around so she was facing me. Her eyes flood with relief. I let her go.

"Chloe! Was that you who shot the gun? How could you? You know I hate guns! Why would you do that to me?!?!?!?" If looks could kill, I'd have died and gone to hell by now.

" I know, I know, I'm sorry. But I tried to wake you up, and you wouldn't, so I resulted to extreme measures. You can hardly blame me. It's the only way to wake you up once your asleep!"

She sighs. The adrenaline is leaving her body and a tired look comes back on her face.

"What time is it anyways?" She looks at the sky and yawns. "It must be pretty early in the morning..."

"Last I checked, it was around 7:30 am."

"7:30 am!!!!!! WHY?????????????WHY AT 7:30??????"

"I need to talk to you."

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