Chapter 5-reaction, research and laughing

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Chapter 5


Katy doesn't respond in the least. She just stares, not really at me, just off into the distance, staring at nothing really.

She stayed like that; her eyes wide and filled with shock; her jaw hanging loose, showing all her teeth; her hand halfway to her mouth, not down, but not there either.

I laugh. Loudly.

I can't help it! Her expression is just so shocked, I can't control myself. Come on, you know you would've too.

I start to eat, waiting to see if she will snap out of it. But after a couple minutes, I'm getting worried.

I sigh and start to explain it to her "Katy, seriously, it's no big deal, don't have a baby, jeez."

Finally, she snaps out of it and stares at me incredulously " How is not a big deal? This is a major deal! How can you say that? Do you want to just move away from your home and your friends? From me?"

"Katy! Katy, seriously, calm down a little will you? I'm-"

"You know what, Chloe? No, I will not calm down, okay? You are my best friend, and your just all of a sudden moving away? Why? Why, Chloe, why?" Her voice starting to rise in hysteria

I wait until she finishes her rant, only half listening.

When she's finally done, I wait for her breathing to slow, then turn to her.

"Katy. I'm not moving away. More of moving closer. I'm moving into my Aunt's house. You know, Aunt D? Her old house is only 2 blocks from yours, so we can walk together. Would you want to?" I ask slowly, waiting for her response.

"Wait, your moving only 2 blocks from me?" 

I nod

"That's awesome! How come you didn't say this earlier? When are you moving? Can I come help? Can I help you move in? Can I? Can I? Can I? Pretty please with sugar on top? Please??????????"

"Katy! Katy! Katy! Don't have a heart attack! The move is in a couple days, on Sunday. And yes, you can come help with everything. Okay?"

A full blown smile blossomed on her face. 

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! Ooh, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!" She seems more excited then I am

I sigh and roll my eyes at her sillyness and try to finish my lunch before the bell rings, but Katy just keeps on babbling about the move, us being able to walk to and from school together, how it'll be easier to go to each other's houses more often, and bla bla bla bla bla.

The bell finally rings, and I jump up from the table. Saved by the bell I think but don't say. I don't want to hurt Katy's feelings

I throw out my trash and rush out of the cafeteria to the library. I'm the first one there, I quickly sign my name on the sign up sheet for the computers and take the first one.

I tap my foot impatiently on the floor while I wait for the computer to load. When it does, I immediatly click on the internet explorer icon and Google pops up.

I click the search bar and type recent deaths- Victoria B.C Canada Oak Bay and 3 pages of results came up.

I clicked the first link and a website comes up. The homepage is filled with the most recent deaths, accidents, murders, etc. The one at the very top of the page catches my eye.

I try to swallow but it gets caught in my throat. I close my eyes and take a few deep breathes, Calm down, Chloe, it's okay. Now, open your eyes and read the article. It's important that you do. The voice in the back of my mind tells me

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