1. Birthday Girl

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"Happy Birthday!" was the first thing I heard before jumping up in shock from my sweet slumber.

It took me long enough to realize who was sitting right beside me on the edge of my bed as my vision was blurred. I rubbed my eyes as I looked over to the figure beside me in utter confusion as I made out who they were.

"Miley!" I caught her off-guard while embracing her in a tight hug as I took in the scent of her thick cinnamon locks.

I should've known it was her judging by her sweet energetic voice.

"I can't breathe!" she shrieked while gripping me even tighter.

She then began singing me the happy birthday song and I couldn't help but laugh as her voice would crack as she reached high notes.

Miley was my best friend ever since my childhood judging by the fact that I was homeschooled, I didn't have any friends besides her.

I can still remember the day I met her, seeing her small cute 5 year old self hide behind her mother's legs as she worked, Miley's mother worked as a servant in our residence if you're wondering - that's how I got to see her everyday.

I remember how shy we both were and we would only stare at each other not having the courage to even exchange a few words at the time but as the years past we've grown on each other, more than I'd like to admit though I can confidently say that she knew my soul better than anyone.

I'm so lucky to have her in my life, she was with me through my good times and bad, I think of her to be godsent.

"What's wrong beautiful?" she raised an eyebrow at me snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Well, 1 you scared the crap out of me, 2 the sun isn't even out yet and you know I'm not a morning person and 3-" I was cut off as she quickly opened her mouth to finish my sentence.

"3 it's your fucking birthday and I should be the first to wish you" she raised her voice slightly with a playful tone.

"Ugh, okay you win" I roll my eyes at her before letting out a long yawn.

"Awe don't look at me like that, cheer up. It's your eighteenth birthday lovely, you're officially an adult." she looked at me expectingly stretching her smile to her olive shaped brown eyes.

I giggled.

"Thank you Miley." I pull her into another warm embrace being more gentle than earlier.

I mean how I could I not be happy about today, I celebrate 18 years of my existence on this wretched earth but other than that - I celebrate 18 years of my mother's misery. The thought alone bringing a smile to my face.

"Oh and Mr. Dimitri had asked me to inform you that your birthday Ball will only be taking place later this evening so I don't think it's advisable wear your gown just yet, you could wear this while you wait for evening to approach" she pulled at what seemed to be a flowy dress from behind her and placed it on my lap.

I instantly smiled at her sweet gesture.

"Thank you so much Miley, it's so beautiful" I looked at her then the dress in adoration, the material was long and flowy, it seemed to reach the flow with a slit that went down one of the sides while it was slightly tinted with a pastel shade of blue which I loved.


I put the lovely pastel blue dress Miley had gifted me on right after coming out of the shower. By now it's well past 7am and I've made sure to dry and straighten my luscious long brunette locks as I knew I'd be curling it for the ball this evening.

On my way to the door, I managed to glance at myself in my large mirror.

After analyzing and deeming myself presentable, I made my way to my father's office where he sat waiting to wish me

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After analyzing and deeming myself presentable, I made my way to my father's office where he sat waiting to wish me.

I walked up to him and he embraced me with one arm as soon as I was close enough while using his other hand to sign documents laid out on his desk.

After he had signed most of the papers he turned his full attention to me "Ahh Isa, I'm proud to see what a brilliant and beautiful woman you've become, you never cease to amaze me with your abilities. Happy birthday princess, you bring me all the love and joy in this world. Love you." he let out in one breath before standing up to peck a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you papa, I love you too" my eyes became glossy as there weren't many occasions where my father would appreciate me or my achievements. It was moments like these when I felt that I had a purpose and I would cherish these kind of memories forever.

I later found myself at the dining room table to see my well familiar birthday breakfast prepared by Maria–Miley's beloved mother–already on the table which consisted of a tower of chocolate chip pancakes glazed in maple syrup complemented by an assortment of berries along with a hot chocolate to drink. It is and will always be a guilty pleasure of mine, I think to myself as I begin to indulge myself with the foodporn before me. Miley sits beside me and we fall into comfortable silence while having breakfast together.

Once we're done we both go back up to my room to prepare for later this evening, she helps me pick out the makeup that compliments my dress as well as the shoes that will go along with it. I also assist her, picking an emerald green dress that will compliment here olive skin and appropriate shoes that match. We lay everything on my bed, perfectly prepared for the grand event tonight.

I wonder what tonight will bring.


A/n: Thank you for reading <3
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With love, xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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