The Bat Bros (Part 2)

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Summary: The Titans have just received an alert while Robin's brothers are staying at the Tower. Now it's time to see how Gothamites do business.


It was difficult for the other Titans to tell them apart at first. The four Robins bore similar color schemes in their uniforms, and the dark hair wasn't helping. The eldest and youngest would have been matching almost perfectly if it weren't for the katana strapped to the smaller one's back and the black hood shadowing his green mask and dark gaze.

Red Hood was the easiest to tell apart from the others. His black Kevlar suit and red helmet was accented with his signature brown leather jacket and pair of handguns strapped to his utility belt. The only thing that showed he was a member of the bat family was the red bat emblazoned on his chest.

Red Robin had replaced the green portions of his suit with black, and he had two yellow utility belts crisscrossing over his chest. The interior of his cape was a deep red, unlike the yellow of his brothers'. The dark colors would have been more effective in their intentions if it weren't for the plain coffee cup he held and sipped from often.

"So," Red Robin mused as they stared up at the screen, "Just how dangerous is this Hive Five supposed to be?"

Robin chuckled to himself as he adjusted his smaller namesake's cape, "Easy. Most of the villains in Jump aren't even Riddler worthy."

"Seriously?" Red Hood laughed, "So this whole time, you've been on an extended vacation?"

The oldest teen wonder looked to the side, "Well, not necessarily. We defeated Trigon, an inter-dimensional demon, from destroying the world last year and the Brotherhood of Evil a few months after that. But there's still one Gotham worthy villain on the loose. We haven't seen him since the Trigon incident though," his eyes hardened at the thought of Slade still roaming free, "But we can talk more later. Titans, go!"


"Nice wheels!" Hood laughed as he hopped into the driver's seat of a sleek black car similar to the batmobile, "but I bet she can't beat mine!"

Cyborg naturally came to his "baby's" defense, "Hey! My T-car can outdo your little ink stain any day!"

"Yeah, right," Red Robin chuckled to himself as he gulped down the last of his coffee, "I designed this beauty myself. She can go circles around you."

"Not if Hood's driving," Robin huffed with a teasing grin as he straddled the R-cycle and patted the spot behind him, "Come on, Baby Bird. You're riding with me."

      The smaller robin grunted but joined him on the red and black bike regardless.

"Says the guy with his own personalized motorcycle," Hood grumbled and revved the engine.

    An unusually mischievous cackle escaped the older bird, disconcerting his teammates, "Let's get a move on already. It's time for you guys to see how bats takes care of business. Titans, go!"

    "Anybody else scared to know what that means?" Beast Boy asked before he was roughly pulled into the T-car by Cyborg. The girls were already flying after the other two vehicles, and he didn't want to be the last one to arrive at the scene.


Meanwhile, Dick lightly tapped the com built into his helmet to talk to his brothers, "Have you guys checked the stats I sent you?"

Tim typed furiously on the holoscreen projected from his glove as Jason drove, "Me and Jay are looking over them now. But seriously though, these kids wouldn't last a day in Gotham City."

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