"𝐰𝐨𝐰. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬."

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Ranboo's POV;

"uhh...yea i do Tommy-"  forgot that i didn't tell him- whoopisiess


"what- no like i actually have a sister- wait have you not checked twitter? or ANY social media at that matter?"  What was he doing? sleeping? i swear-  wait...but no i don't..i don't swear-

"no sorry boss man but the socials are OFF!" Tommy yelled at me, putting more of a yell during "OFF".

"wellllll i basically like exposed my sister and uhhhhhhh i dunno what to do-" i told Tommy truthfully, which is seemingly a bad thing to do-

"oh. uhhh i dunno i'm literally an only child so what do you want me to do 'bout it?"  He replied back at me. i mean he was right in some sense...but who else would help me right now-?

"that is true.  But i tried calling phil, but he was streaming so- OH and then i dm'ed wilbur, buutt he was busy so i guess it kinda just came down to you" I stated back at tommy, who seemed a bit more quiet even for being off stream.

There was a long pause before Tommy started speaking again. I wonder where that boys mind was-

"soo uhhm maybe just address everything before it gets out of hand yanno?" Tommy had said, i took it he was probably trying to be helpful. In which, he honestly was.

"ya but how Tommy? like she's already got hundreds of followers on twitter! what next!?" I started getting a little fumed, i mean i have no idea how this situation will go!

"just stream together or something! make the most out of you're "Failure" ."  Maybe Tommy was right! we could make the most out of this! instead of trying to cover it back up...it's perfect! 

"Tommy...YOU'RE A GENIUS!" I told him, because that was the best damn advice i've gotten from him- 

"I KNOW! but hey can i get to meet her?" Tommy asked. wait..what is he trying to pull here-??

"uhh maybe i'll ask her she's actually sitting like right next to me so ye" I said passing the phone to steph, she looked like she was going to literally melt. uh oh.

Steph's POV;

Woa woa woa- welp great...social interactionss..."yayyy!"...

"uh..hellor?" I said into the phone.

"AH- oh uh hello Ranboo's sisterr!" Tommy said to me, it was weird it was like he was trying to be nice-

"hi tommy! that uh yea that is me! The one and only😎" I said making what i thought was a "cool face".

"pft- yea okay wait what even is your name?? Ranboo literally told me nothing!" Tommy said, sounding in disbelief he wasn't told anything.

"uh well the name's Steph! i'm 17 andddd uhh i like photography?" i said, not really sure how to deal with meeting someone some-what new.

"wow. you suck at introductions." Tommy stated to me. i was offended a little...but at the same time it was very very true

"i knowww i knowwww but like you can't blame me i live alone and barely speak to my family other than Ranboo-"  Did i say too much? i probably did.

"wait why only ranboo? i-if you don't mind me asking!" He said trying not to sound too nosy.

"meh it's fine i only talk to Ranboo because he's literally the only one that talks to me-" I told him trying to be as vague as possible.

"oh that makes sense..lol" he said trying to make light of the convo i guess?

"hey have you ever been to England Steph?" Tommy asked me after a brief moment.

"Wait wait...you have a sister!?" (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now