Chapter 3:Clint to the rescue

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-Nat- pov-

When I woke up from my nap I went to go talk to Clint and Thor about whatever her name was. While I was walking I heard Clint talking to someone "We should give her a chance, she has been through so much and has realized that Hydra is bad and doesn't want to be associated with them anymore. She wants to remember who she is, remember her name for goodness shakes and I feel like we can help her" I knew Clint was a people person but seriously I stormed into the room "There is no way she is staying here she is with Hydra'' Clint looked a little scared but determined "I will watch her, train her, show her around, try and help her remember and if she ends up betraying us then I will take the full blame and deal with her myself" is he kidding me what is so great about her the team can't seriously think this is a good idea. "Whoever thinks Shadow deserves a chance, raise your hand" Tony says before raising his hand followed by everyone on the team except Bucky who looked skeptical. I was about to say something to Bucky about having common sense until he also put his hand up, "Majority rules Clint will help her around but we will all try and help her feel welcome while keeping an eye on her, if you see anything sus say something" Tony dismissed the meeting after deciding to let her have a chance and told Clint and me to go get her out of her cell and show her where her room is, but i just sat in my chair i was not making any attempt to help or make her feel welcome and Clint can see that so he just walks out the room himself to get her.

-y/n pov-

I had been sitting in the cell for who knows how long, probably a couple hours when Clint entered the room. I looked up at him expecting him to say something but he didn't. He just walked to some control panel thing, pressed some buttons and suddenly the cell door opened and he walked in. He came in undoing my feet and having it so my arms weren't tied together but I still had the power dampening cuffs on. Once he was done all that he finally spoke "I spoke to the team and they agreed to give you a chance. I will be the one to show you around, train you, help you out and make sure you don't get into any trouble. You won't be given many chances and please don't give Nat a reason to say I told you so I want to be right about you. So follow me and I will show you your new room" damn that was a mouth full. He lead the way down some halls till we reached a door he opened the door to show a simple room with a bed, desk, dresser, 2 rooms I'm guessing are honestly i have no clue so I asked "where do those doors lead to?" He smiled saying nothing but walking over to the first door opening it and I was shocked it was a closet stocked with all different types of clothes and stuff. I had never had that much clothes before or at least i don't think i did. He then went to the next door and opened it saying "this one is less exciting but it's a bathroom there is makeup and other beauty products in there. He closed the door "my room is down one floor in the boys wing, there is the girls kitchen down the hall. To your left is Wanda and your right Natasha so if you need anything they can help me or come get me. Wanda will be a better person to go to if you need help no offence but Nat doesn't really like you so just give her some time to get used to you" he talks a lot i thought he finally left me alone saying he would get Jarvis to tell me when it was dinner time and he would show me how to get to the communal kitchen apparently there was one in the girls wing boys wing and a communal one why you would need three kitchens I don't know. I decided to have a shower and get into some sweats and an over sized shirt then take a nap since I was exhausted but actually happy. My last thought before I fell asleep was that this could be my family and I was ok with that.

-Nat pov-

Out of all the rooms in the girls wing Clint had to choose the one beside mine, yes it makes sense the one between me and Wanda just to keep us close but still. I was getting ready for dinner, getting out of my S.H.I.E.L.D uniform and into some sweats and a hoodie when I heard a knock at my door. I went to the door and opened it seeing Shadow looking at the floor. When she heard the door open she looked up in surprise "What are you doing here?" I ask "oh sorry I am trying to go to Wanda's room but I forgot what side Clint said she was on I'll leave you be sorry bye" she says then rushes away to talk to Wanda. I go back into my room to finish getting ready for dinner.

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