Chapter Seven

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               Evelyn stretched lazily as she woke the next morning. Her body was pleasantly sore from all the activities of the night before. Jonathan had made love to her three times last night, each time being just as good if not better than the time before. Evelyn couldn't remember a time when she felt more cherished and adored, and the feeling was addicting. She loved the way Jonathan loved every inch of her body. Just thinking about him was causing her core to throb with need for him. If she were honest with herself, she didn't think she'd ever felt like this, not even with Noah. She quietly slipped out of bed and padded over to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and hair, pulled on her robe, then headed downstairs to cook breakfast.

Jonathan reached out for Evelyn and was disappointed when his hand felt nothing but cold sheet. He opened his eyes and sat up to look around the room. He thought he heard music coming from downstairs and smelled coffee and bacon. His stomach grumbled and a smile stretched across his handsome face.

"I swear, I might have to marry this one," he mumbled to himself as he made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He pulled on his boxer briefs before heading downstairs to find Evelyn. When he came into the kitchen, he saw her at the stove, bopping along to the music on her cell phone.

"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are..." Evelyn sang as she flipped the blueberry pancakes on the griddle. She turned to grab a plate and saw Jonathan leaning against the door frame grinning at her. She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. "How long have you been standing there?"

Jonathan shrugged his shoulders, "Long enough. Bruno Mars fan, huh?"

Evelyn tucked her hair behind her ear as she turned to grab the plate, "Yes." Jonathan pushed off the door frame, walked up to her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her neck. Evelyn felt her body immediately respond to him. His hard chest pressed against her back, and she arched into him. "Are you hungry?"

"Starved," he mumbled against her shoulder. He started to pull the robe off her shoulder, but she stepped away from him, turning towards him with a smile.

"No way, mister. Not until you've eaten my wonderful blueberry pancakes."

"Fine," Jonathan rolled his eyes as he stepped over to the coffee pot. He reached into the correct cabinet to grab a mug. "It does smell delicious." Jonathan took a sip of coffee and sighed happily, "Ahh, perfect. Okay, I'm officially awake. What can I do to help?"

"Everything is almost done. Will you just grab a couple plates and some silverware and take them to the table?"

"I can handle that." Jonathan set the table, then helped Evelyn bring the food to the table. She had a massive stack of blueberry pancakes, a plate of super fluffy scrambled eggs, and lots of perfectly crisp bacon. "I'm going to have to up my workouts when I get back to the base." Evelyn laughed as she began to fill up her plate.

"I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop cooking?" Jonathan took a big bite of pancake and his eyes rolled back in pleasure.

"Oh, hell no! I'd rather run an extra couple miles. Everything you've made for me so far has been fantastic."

"Thank you. I love to cook. I just haven't had anyone to cook for in a very long time."

"So," Jonathan asked as he took another bite of food. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"I thought we could just walk around the city for a bit. I can show you some of my favorite spots." She sat her fork down on her plate and began to pick at her tablecloth nervously.

"Talk to me, Evie. What's going on in that mind of yours?"

"It's's just my best friend Claire wanted us to double date with her and her boyfriend tonight." She quickly looked down at her plate to avoid eye contact with him, "Forget I mentioned it. I'll text her and tell her we can't."

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