Chapter Eight

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Over the next couple months, Evelyn and Jonathan took turns coming to see each other. Jonathan had met Claire a few times, but Evelyn had yet to meet any of Jonathan's friends. He never really brought it up, but neither did she. Part of her wondered why, but she didn't want to push too much.

It was Friday night and Evelyn was coming in for a visit, so Jonathan was in an extra good mood. They were just getting out of a meeting when Albert cornered him.

"What's the plans this weekend?" he asked as he threw his arm over his shoulders.

"Evelyn's coming in to stay the weekend," Jonathan grinned. Albert wiggled his eyebrows at him.

"You sure are spending a lot of time with her. When do we get to meet her?" Jonathan looked away and scratched his head. "Are you afraid we'll embarrass you or something?"

Jonathan sighed, "No, nothing like that. I guess I'm just a little nervous about bringing her to the Den. I mean, I've got so much history there. I just don't want to screw anything up with Evelyn."

Albert nodded in understanding, "I get what you're saying, but we don't even have to go there. We can meet at a restaurant or something instead if that makes it easier for you." Jonathan seemed to think on it for a moment then nodded.

"No, let's meet for drinks at the Den tonight. My past is part of who I am. If we're truly going to be together, I have to be transparent."

Albert grinned, "Great! I'll text Jen and give her a heads up about tonight. What time do you want to meet?"

"She's supposed to get in around six or so. How about around 8?"

"Sounds good to me. See you then buddy." Albert gave him a salute as he walked off. Jonathan put his hand to his stomach to try to calm the butterflies. He couldn't believe how nervous he was. He wasn't worried about introducing her to Albert and Jen. He knew she'd fit right in with them. He was afraid somehow; she'd see a side of him that he really wasn't proud of. Jonathan had spent a lot of time at the Den when he wasn't deployed, and he'd gone home with lots of the women who frequent the bar hoping to find an Army husband. He never went on more than a couple dates with any of them, but some held grudges. Things were going so great with Evelyn, and he didn't want anything to jeopardize their relationship. Jonathan brought out his phone and quickly sent Evelyn a text.

Jonathan: Hello gorgeous. I hope you don't mind, but I told a friend that we'd come out to have a drink with them tonight after you get here.

Evelyn had been finishing up packing her weekend bag when her phone dinged. She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face when she saw his name appear on her screen. She broke into a grin when she read his message. He was finally going to introduce her to some of his friends.

Evelyn: Hi there, Soldier. Of course I don't mind. I'm looking forward to it. Jonathan smiled at her reply.

Jonathan: Great. Can't wait to see you.

Evelyn: Me too. 😘

Before Jonathan put his phone back in his pocket, he looked at his home screen. He had put the first picture of Evelyn he'd ever seen on it. His heart skipped a beat, and he fought the urge to kiss the screen. He gave himself a mental shake, cleared his throat, put the phone back in his pocket, and headed to his car. Jonathan sat behind the wheel of his car for a moment and laughed at himself.

"Damn, Jonathan. I do believe you just might be in love already." He shook his head, stuck the key in the ignition, and headed home for a shower and a shave before Evelyn got there.

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