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"OH, FOUND IT, right here," Nikki said and pulled up a box with unknown content in it, Nichole only hearing things making noise while hitting against each other in it.

He quickly pulled up from the bed and walked over to the small closet on the other room side. Nichole pulled herself up and straightened the folds on her shirt, to avoid eye contact.

"Said I wouldn't do anything. Unless you wanted me to," Nikki almost teased her for just making a fool out of her, "Or did you want me to...?"

Nichole just glared back at him, "Asshole."

And his boyish, teasing grin dropped slightly, he felt like the girl had become serious, or maybe was always serious. Fuck.

Whatever, he thought and threw the container in the closet, where it actually belonged. She can't actually be mad and I know.

He walked over to her, "Oh, come on. Would you at least hug me?" Nikki open his arms in a welcoming way.

Nichole just looked up at him, knowing she should just go right at it, because she was in his room already and they were tehnically still out on a date.

"I'm just saying," she said after some hesitation, "extremely rude to pull something like this after just having a date, even considering the rules we made. But I guess your manners differ."

As they embraced each other in a hug, Nikki inaudibly mouthed "goddamn".

"Well... you know, I would try again... In a better manner... But feels like it's a bit too fucking late, isn't it?"

"I guess, that's up to you, funny guy."

Nichole moved away a bit, feeling like she had been a bit too close for a bit too long. Her mind rushed an insane pace, trying to think of anything she could do now. Then she noticed the closet with a mirror and a bass guitar in a stand next to it. That's exactly where Nikki had went after he got off the bed, so Nichole got up and went over to the mirror to check herself out.

She felt pretty, obviously, seeing the reflection. Her hair as well as her dress were a bit messed up, not much at all, but enough for her perfectionist self to notice and be bothered, so she spent some time fixing that up and also wiping away a smudge of mascara on her cheek. As she stepped back and took in her image again, she felt Nikki moving closer. Had he just been standing there this entire time?

Nikki stopped on the girl's left, leaning his head down a bit and also swiping his hair out of his face.

He looked right at Nichole but she didn't immediately look right back at him. She felt so stressed out, being this close to him again and not having said a single word for at least 5 minutes now. A bit awkward, wouldn't it be?

Her heart raced even more, feeling Nikki's hand on her right cheek. What? She didn't sign up for that, when she judged his manners before... but she instantly realised she shouldn't have expected anything else from the bassist. Nichole knew it probably got boring, having to play around her feelings and desires (or the things she didn't desire or didn't show to desire) constantly. And then she thought about how her friends must have had all the fun tonight, even after they all parted their ways after the dinner, so she should let herself have some fun of her own. Goddamn. The guy then kissed Nichole's left cheek, right by the corner of her mouth, and broke out into a slight grin. It was then, when Nichole finally turned her head to him, making eye contact.

"That wasn't a prank. Better?"

She nodded lightly, "Indeed."

She tried so hard to hold her emotions in, because she just kept thinking, how she was actually glad he tried again. How cute that was. Even if she didn't want to admit it.

"Phew, that's great," Nikki said and slightly stroked Nichole's cheek. Do I tell him to step away? She felt like she would melt, if she were to just straight up admit, how fun and different this felt to her in the moment.

With her stomach dropping down on the floor Nichole forced herself to still look into Nikki's eyes.

At the same time, he kept thinking about how he's winning. He allowed his own ego to fly up to the sky for a bit, because he knew he could get this girl to soften up eventually, then quickly brought himself back to reality and simply inched his face closer to her's. He knew it could be too much and drive her away. He didn't care. He knew she didn't expect much better after what happened before. Nichole smiled a bit, but only because she noticed Nikki's unrealistic confidence finally showing through, and this was a smile she couldn't and didn't want to hold in. But, oh, did he not know that and took it as a green light, and was he going in for it, ready to just kiss her. Their lips barely touched, just feeling each other's breaths on their lips, when they heard the sound of something getting absolutely smashed and a loud "FUCK!"

Nichole immediately went for the door, but turned around to look at Nikki before going out, "We can finish that later, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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