chapter 3 - friends

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dear journal,

        this girl I was friends with has lied to me all my life (let's call her Ursula). Ursula was friends with me and I know that she's been talking smack about me because my cousin (let's call her j.c.) is really close friends with Ursula and she tells j.c. everything. I found out that the boy I liked (he's my best friend too), she wanted me to get away from him, my best friend and I we were in a fight it was caused by Ursula, anyways Ursula told j.c. that she doesn't want to be friends with me, she wants me to get away from my best friend. I dont know, she calls j.c. annoying in a rude way and never tells us what's wrong with her. might as well just leave her, right now she has a few friends but they dont know her secret, I do because she told me everything . On march 6 2015 she asked me for another chance, tbh I spent money on her and did so many things for her but she never spend money or did anything for me or my friends / her old friends, but when she asked for another chance I never texted her. she said she wanted to talk to me at school but she never did, she knew my answer and my answer is no. no more chance I've given her enough because I can't trust her. tbh my parents never wanted me to be friends with her and they were right. I'm dome with her, forreal this time.

        sincerely, Jessica s.
written march 8, 2015

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