Chapter 10

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"So," Digging said to a circle of us. "We aren't having spectators due to the last event." Dodge and I were standing side by side. "Today, your task is to go into this house and take an item. You have to send a photo of you with this item and send it in for evidence by midnight. Be careful: he doesn't like unexpected visitors."

We all went on our way into the cornfields. Dodge and I hid and began devising a plan.

"Do you think we can go in from the back door?" Dodge asked.

"We need him to be distracted with something." I said. "Maybe we could wait until he brings out his gun."

"He's going to bring out his gun?" Dodge said with worry streaked across his face.

"Ray is going to do something dumb, so we'll be fine." I shrugged. "But let's go find a way in."

He nodded and we started shuffling around the stalks. After walking for a short time, I brought my hand to his chest to stop him silently. I then pointed at a gap between the stalks. There, we saw Heather Nill and Ray Hall standing mere inches from each other.

"That was fast." Dodge breathed, nearly silent.

"Told you so." I grinned as we began our quiet trek again. Eventually, the field opened out into a dark wood. I took a breath of relief and started walking quicker.

"Wait" Dodge gasped, but not fast enough. My foot landed on a trap and it collapsed beneath me, sending me into a huge hole. I shut my eyes tightly so dirt didn't blind me, though I had no idea what could be around me. When I opened my eyes, I was in a deep hole in the ground. Dodge peered over the edge. "You need some help?"

"Yes, please." I nodded. I would have given it a shot myself, but we needed to save as much time as possible. Dodge took my hands and I kicked my way up. "Thanks."

"No problem." He said and we continued on our way, this time watching our step. We eventually ended up by the house. We waited in the shadows until the man came outside and began firing his shotgun. I spotted Natalie behind a trailer, though she was inching back into the cornfield. Dodge and I took our chance to go inside the house while the shots were firing. 

It was very homely, almost like something old people would go to in the winter to have a peaceful Christmas. Random little objects littered the place.

"Let's find the bedroom." Dodge breathed before the two of us quickly went up the stairs. Much to both of our shock, somebody was in the bedroom. It was Ray, he had taken two photos, probably for the missing player. Ray made sharp eye-contact with Dodge and left the room.

"Choose something and take a photo, then we have to get out of here." I said. We both found our objects—mine was a small photo frame with a dead butterfly pinned to it—and left as fast as we could. By that time, It was about 11:45. We hurriedly went back to his car and sent our photos in.

"Two minutes." Dodge breathed. We were both sitting in his car.

"I think we did really well." I said after he had begun driving. 

"I think so too," he agreed. "The only trip-up was that damn hole."

"Sorry." I said.

"That wasn't your fault." Dodge shook his head.

"I hope everyone made it out okay." I said after another minute of silence.

"I think so." He nodded.

"Can we stop by my place so I can get something?" I asked.


A short while later, he pulled up to my house. I quickly got out and went inside. Both Jesse and my dad were asleep, so the lights were all off. I kept it that way, navigating my way to the fridge, where I pulled out two canned Yoo-Hoos. I was outside within moments and met Dodge back in his car.

"Chocolate milk?" He said after having seen the two cans I had.

"Chocolate drink." I corrected him.

"Where are we going?" Dodge asked after I had put the cans into the cup holders.

"Where-ever." I said with a shrug.

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