Chapter 12

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I woke up in a hospital bed. Dodge was sitting in one of the seats and looked to be sleeping. Just as I was waking up, Jesse appeared at the door of the room.

"Finally!" He said. "That was some party, huh?"

"Party?" My red brows furrowed. By now, Dodge had woken up as well.

"You might not remember." He said. "We were at a party last night and there was a fire."

"You don't remember?" Jesse cocked his head.

"It's, uh, all coming back now." I fibbed. "Is everyone else okay?"

"They're all fine. You and Heather got the worst of it." Dodge said.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's good." He said with a nod.

"I'm going to go grab Dad." Jesse said, turning and leaving.

"You stuck your hand in an electrical socket right when the power came on." Dodge explained in a hushed tone. "We all decided to say that there was a party in the house that we went to."

"So the game's still on?" I checked. Dodge nodded.

"Natalie's dad is going around and questioning all of us." He informed me. "We were at a party."

"We were at a party." I nodded. Natalie's dad eventually came in and questioned the two of us separately. He seemed disappointed when I gave him the same answers as everyone else. I was eventually allowed to go home, but Dodge had already left. My dad drove Jesse and I back to the house.

"So, Clem, Jesse and I were talking to Dodge." Dad said as we drove. "I'm thrilled that you finally have sound friends. Or, a sound friend. He seems a little bit too stony for you." 

"You don't like him?"

"No, he's cool." Jesse said from the backseat. "He said that he would teach me how to bronc ride." 

"I like him, sure, but he's so serious and you're so... not." Dad continued. "Does that really work?"

"I think it works." I nodded.

"I'll take your word for that one." Dad said. "Who names their kid Dodge anyway?"

"That's his middle name, he just likes it better than Andrew." I told him. 

"That's my brother's name." Dad muttered.

"Uncle Andy doesn't have a cool middle name." I shrugged.

"Look on the bright side, Dad, you can be besties with Dodge's dad!" Jesse said.

"Maybe." Dad said.

"That might not be able to happen." I said slowly.

"Why not?"

"His dad's dead." 

"Then that is off the table." Dad said quickly after. We got home soon after we stopped talking. It was about noon. Dodge texted me within the hour.

Dodge: Bumper car tournament later. You in?
Me: Sure. Aren't you competing?
Dodge: Yep. I'll pick you up in an hour?
Me: Sounds good.

"Hey, Clem!" Dad called after awhile. I left my room to see what was up. "That Luke Hall kid is back in town."

"Is he really?" I gaped. He's Ray's older brother and he won Panic when it was his turn.

"Yeah." Dad nodded. "You and Dodge should steer clear of him, he's bad news."

"Okay." I nodded. I spent the rest of the time getting ready for Dodge's tournament. He came to the door right when he said he would.

"Hey, Dodge, you know Ray Hall?" My dad asked when Dodge came.

"I know him." Dodge nodded.

"His brother's in town, so you just stay away from him. He's in and out of jail." Dad said to him.

"Yes, sir." Dodge said. The two of us then left for the tournament.

"I think you're going to win." I said while he drove.

"You think so?" He smiled, a nearly rare occurrence.

"I do." I nodded, looking out the window. "I mean, crashing into cars can't be difficult."

"Unless they're also trying to crash into you." Dodge shrugged. "But I'm pretty confident."

"Good. Is there a prize?" I asked.

"I don't think so." Dodge shook his head. "If there is, they didn't tell me."

"Do they make you use your own car?"

"Nope." He replied. "Everybody competing uses a different car."

"Okay, good." I said with a smile. After another few moments, we pulled into a dusty parking lot. 

"I think you can sit in the bleachers." He told me as we got out . I nodded and we parted ways, me to a row of metal bleachers and him to wherever they were prepping the drivers. Since my only friend was getting ready for a tournament, I examined my surroundings. In the place they would be driving was a small variety of old, beat up cars. 

People eventually began filling in the bleachers, including most of the Panic players. Heather and Natalie were on a different row of bleachers and Drew was passing water bottles out to a few of his friends. I wasn't shocked to see Luke Hall leaning against a set of bleachers and watching the tournament area. 

 After a short time, the announcer finally picked up the mic and explained the game. He told everyone to finish placing their bets and informed the crowds that there were five minutes until the start of the tournament. The time passed quickly before all the drivers entered the tournament area and got into their cars. The only two people I recognized were Ray and Dodge.

I watched as the drivers slowly picked each other off by crashing into the other until it was just Dodge and Ray left in the car-ridden tournament area. On the edge of my seat, I saw Dodge get stuck behind a car that had already been taken out. Ray seized his opportunity and crashed into the side of Dodge's car, thus winning the tournament. The crowd began cheering and Ray jumped up onto the roof of his car. His friends crowded around him and celebrated the victory. Dodge got out of his car and left the tournament area. I met him where we parted ways.

"You did great!" I said when he walked up to me. He was about to respond, but we walked past Luke Hall.

"Hey," Luke said. "Dodge, right?"

"Yeah. What's up?" Dodge asked as the two of us turned around to face him. "You're Ray's brother, right?"

"Yeah, I won Panic in my year." Luke said, though a bit boldly, despite the people that were everywhere. Dodge and I both looked around to see if anyone noticed Luke's recklessness. "Actually, Ray's worried you're going to win this year." When Luke said this, he was looking at the both of us.

"There's no need to be afraid." Dodge said to him. "We are going to win." And we walked away from him.

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