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Cora POV:

I gag slightly at the bitter taste of blood. It's warm and metallic in my mouth, the cut on the inside of my mouth is still bleeding.

I spit the red sludge at his feet, his purple pants get splattered just slightly. I let myself grin at the thought of ruining his stupid suit.

I tilt my head up to grin evilly at The Joker. He grins back at me maniacally. I don't like the look in his eyes, or the sting on my back. He kneels and dips his finger in the little puddle I left.

I move backward in my cell, the chains making it very difficult. He out-stretches his hand towards my face. Through the bars. He smears my own blood around my mouth. It's cold and sticky against my skin.

I move to bite his finger. He snaps his hand back and then snaps it forward again, my cheek stings. I taste more blood gush over my teeth. I open my mouth and just let it drip out as I grin at him.

"Well aren't you a peach? What's the little girl going to do? Is she gonna shout at me next?" He taunts with a maniacal cackle. I give a small laugh.

"I don't need to shout at you. You'll be screaming soon." I say, looking him dead in the eyes. He only laughs more. I'm not used to that reaction.

"Hah! And who's gonna make me? You? Because no one else is coming to your rescue." He leers at me. I actually laugh at that.

"I don't need to make you scream, Joke. I think Robin may do that. Batman and Nightwing might break a couple of bones. Red Robin would take down the whole place and leave me standing perfectly fine. Red Hood, he'd do worse than all of that." I taunt easily.

"Oh?" He giggles. "And why would any of them come for you?" He asks giddily.

"I've made friends, and family. I've even charmed your ex. But who would come for you? When your bones are broken and you cry out? Who would risk themselves to help you?" I ask with a pitying look, forced into my eyes.

He sneers at me, his eyes are alight with something new. I'm absolutely terrified. I know I shouldn't have provoked him, but I can't think of anything else to say. I can't show him I'm scared.

He pulls out a familiar card. Its edges are stained red and turning brown. I almost flinch when the cage door opens. This isn't the first time, and if I keep running my mouth I doubt it'll be the last.

"I think for that comment, I'll do something extra special." He says lowly. I watch him walk around me until I can't turn any further. If I relax it hurts less.

As I feel the card split my skin I think of Damian. I think of all the little scars he has, they aren't hidden. It takes some effort to notice some. Others I can spot at a glance.

I cry out when he makes an arc across my lower back. He's being slow and deliberate. Instead of screaming or actually crying, I yell. I shriek angrily. I shout loudly and crudely instead of wailing from the pain.

I remember the twin scars that run up Damian's wrists. They have a matching line on the other side of each. I remember him brushing off the casualty, but I knew those must have hurt far worse than this. Those scars go all the way through.

I feel tears roll down my cheeks as he twists the card around and around in that one spot, carving away my skin. I let out the loudest shriek I've ever heard. My throat is raw but that pales in comparison.

Finally, he's done. I can feel the burning that comes with the blood running down my back. It soaks into the rags of my shirt. If he slices down my arms I'll have nothing left to cover me. The rest would fall.

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