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hello everyone!!! here is the long awaited chapter 8!!

some quick TW's.

-graphic depictions of violence
-death (none of the boys yall already know)
- mentioned emotional abuse and neglect of a child

if you are okay with all of those then enjoy the chapter!!!

- em <3

twitter: kookiecheurb
curious cat: kookiecherub

Jungkook only leaves Yoongi's cottage when he recognizes that it is nearing time for his family to leave for Pennora. As he slips on his leather shoes, Jae crawls in through a cracked window. Her big, obsidian eyes stare at Jungkook, her tail swishing behind her.

"Oh, Jae came to retrieve you," Yoongi says with a smile. He leans down by the windowsill to scratch at her head, completely calm as the cat jumps onto his back, laying over his shoulder.

"Is she yours? Is that why she finds Seokjin?" Jungkook asks, his head tilting curiously. The warlock nods, patting the cat gently signaling for her to jump onto one of his many shelves.

"I'm not allowed into the palace, so she finds Seokjin for me when I'm missing him."

Jungkook's brows furrowed instantly, turning his head to Yoongi. "What do you mean you're not allowed into the palace?"

"Thessavalian royalty are notoriously paranoid," the warlock smirked, taking the wooden broom out of the corner to sweep along the cottage floors. "I sneak in of course, but in the daytime it's much more difficult."

"What could they be paranoid about in regards to you?" Jungkook asked curiously, head tilted to the side and resembling a puppy. His wayward hands trailing over the worn spines of the books that lined the walls. He pulled a blue one off of the shelf, admiring the ornate paintings of flowers across the leather cover.

"I'm from Verlam, I was taken as a hostage during the war."

Jungkook dropped the book out of shock, staring at the Warlock with wide eyes. Yoongi didn't seem surprised by this reaction, he seemed amused if anything. He reached his hand up to trail a thumb over the scar that covered his eye. Jungkook fell to his knees, hands shaking as he picked the book up, only to gasp when he saw the page that was opened.

A love spell.

"You practice dark magic," he breathed out, fear filling him. Dark magic was powerful, and it poisoned the hearts of those who used it. Took away everything that made someone good.

"My mother was a witch for the late king. It was all I knew, you must understand." Yoongi's tone wasn't urgent, but it was somber. As if the last grains of sand in the hourglass of their comradery were draining and it seemed that Jungkook would make no move to flip it over.

Jungkook didn't respond, instead still staring at the page that sat in front of him. The illustration of lovers intertwined, the image of love. All it would take was some herbs and blood. The ritual at the wedding hadn't hurt that badly, he bit his lower lip in thought. Was he destined to live within the confines of a loveless marriage?

"Do you still practice dark magic?" He whispers out, voice weak.

"Not if I can–" Yoongi trails off, looking down to where Jungkook's gaze was stuck on the spell. "Jungkook, no. No. "

"Think about how much better things would be if he loved me!" Jungkook exclaimed, staring up at the warlock with wide, desperate eyes. "I could love him too! And then–"

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