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!!!!!!!BIG MAJOR WARNING!!!!!!!!!
there is quite a bit of graphic violence in this chapter. a couple of the boys DO get hurt, but there is absolutely NO major character death and everyone is perfectly fine in the end!! please put your mental health first!!
as always, i hope you enjoy. see you soon!

- em <3

twitter: kookiecherub

Jungkook felt the pain in his knees before he realized he fell to the ground. Shock flowed its way through his body with a threatening force. Steady hands caught him on both sides as he was pulled to his feet, oblivious to Taehyung beginning to help them pack up once more.

"We ride out tonight, we should be able to get there around the same time as them if we ride through the night." Jimin's voice left no argument as he ushered Jungkook outside and onto his horse. There was no time to waste.

They rode through the pitch darkness, past Yoongi's cottage where the lights were already out. Seokjin must have retrieved him when Taehyung came to get the couple. The wind of the evening bit at Jungkook's cheeks until they stung with it, tan skin turning red by the second.

Guards filled the area outside of the palace and the halls as the generals and military personnel stood at attention, still dressed in their nightdress. Jungkook could feel the reassuring embrace of Taehyung's hands on his shoulders as they followed Jimin into the grand hall. He could feel them shake, or perhaps that was him, but Jimin seemed calm as ever. Focused.

It was both reassuring and terrifying to see the man he loved not bat an eye in the face of war.

"As many of you know there has been word of a future attack on Pennora. We have been preparing for this moment and I am confident that with our aid the kingdom will not waiver. We must make good on our allyship with Pennora and help defeat those who will attempt to dethrone the king. Verlam does not make threats lightly and they do not strike without purpose. They are not trying to send a message, they are attempting to slaughter the royal family and will not be satisfied until that is completed."

Jungkook felt nausea rock his stomach and leaned into Taehyung, the knight rubbing over his back like one might soothe a sick child. The thought only serves to upset the prince more, thinking distantly of all of the sick children who were being evacuated, who didn't know if they'd get the chance to return home.

"Verlam is not to be underestimated. I want every capable citizen in armor, tonight. I want the soldiers who are not coming with us to be guarding every border of the kingdom. I want every man, woman, and eligible child to be armed with the means to protect themselves and their neighbors in our absence. In two hours everyone is to be at the Southern gate when we ride off."

With a clap of his hands, the people quickly dispersed and Jimin stalked forward, not even hesitating to pull Jungkook out of Taehyung's grasp by his waist and press a reassuring kiss to his forehead.

"Where– where do you want me?" Jungkook asked nervously. He had never been in a war before, he didn't know what to do next.

"Nowhere," Jimin said firmly with furrowed brows. "You're staying here. You have to be in case something happens to me."

"Jimin, I'm not staying behind while you go off to battle," Jungkook said in disbelief and the king actually seemed surprised, oddly enough. The prince would have thought it would be obvious that he wasn't going to let the man he loved go off to war without him.

"That's the whole point of you becoming king if something happens to me! If I die and you are on that field then you will die. Especially with your impulsiveness, you have no training in battle," Jimin spat out. "You will stay."

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