Kira's heir

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My name is Ena, I'm a high schooler, and I despise Kira. Kira's long dead and gone now. He killed my father for no reason so I hope he's rotting in the deepest hell. I show up outside my friends house. Rosemary walks outside. "Yo' Ena" Rosemary calles out. She comes down to me to give me our usual handshake before starting to walking to school with me. "You know your name means gift from god?" She asks. "Sick" I reply. "Yeah! I know!" She exclaims. She's a big dork and likes to learn meanings behind things, she constantly has her nose in a book or researching on her phone. She's really petite but chubby. With brown hair and tan skin. She always wears it in a ponytail or a long braid. Her eyes are green which is very rare according to her research. She grabbed out her phone and took pictures of things she saw.

"Are you gathering more dork research material?" I ask sarcastically. "I'm doing a project on everyday life forms, so yes, I am doing dork research" she answers. I giggle a bit at her being her. We worked together on projects before she's a smart gal, but not smart with stuff I am. She's good at science in math and average in well everything else. I'm good in everything expect science, so I have basically a pocket nerd. I ruffle up her hair. "Alright gotta go!" I say. "Bye! See you second and fourth period!" She says back smiling. During fourth period I always sit by the window I saw something fall from the window. Since fifth period is my lunch I didn't worry so much. The bell for lunch rang and I left the class.

I ran down the stairs to courtyard and picked up the notebook on the ground. It read in letters as clear as day 'death note'. I laugh looking at it. "Death note what edgy kid left their notebook  on the ground?" I scoff to myself. Rosemary walks next to me,looking at the book. "What's that?" She asks. Suddenly everything went pitch black then a bunch of gray clouds formed. The clouds came towards me and it came into a shape of a person. This person had brown hair and brown eyes fair skin a sharp chin and was thin. It looked to be a man with two big horns. "Child" the man says. "Y..y..y..yes?" I answer still shaky from what I'm seeing. "Im Kira" he says. I start shivering as he sits me down on a chair in the black void. "This is my domain you could say" he says. "Wait why don't you sound as scary as before?" I ask.

"I changed my voice to how I sounded when I was younger, surprised I still even remember" he chuckles. "So back to you" he says. "Your my heir now and you have the death note and you will carry out my will" he explains. "Wait if you have me a death note why can't you use it!" I shout. "That was my punishment, my punishment is I can't use it but anybody who touches it can" he added. "What if I don't?" I ask. "Then you will die, I may not be able to use the death note but I'll rip you to shreds" he threatened. I start to shiver and get squeamish. He then gets up and makes what looks like a mirror portal thingy. "Appears your school hours are almost over" he states. suddenly I'm no longer in the black void but at home. How long was I just in there! Im sure it was a few minutes! Maybe it was a mind trick? What happened. "Where's Kira?" I ask. My mom pats my head. "there's no Kira baby you fainted and probably had a nightmare about him" she replies. I nod, she's right there is no Kira he's dead. My stepdad came in and sat on my bed. "You okay?" He asks. "Mhm, just another nightmare" I answer. "Oh no... okay we'll let you rest and you can stay home until next week for a mental health break" he says. I nod they both get up and leave.

Suddenly something long black and dripping comes out, drip drip. "M-" I try to yell but one covers my mouth. "Mmm! Mm!" I yell into the tentacle. "Now that were in your world I think you'll understand I'm real and not a dream" he says. I start crying, he wipes my tears with his terrible claws. He then sweeps a strand of my hair out my face. "Don't cry" he orders. "So that you'll remember this I'll leave a mark" he says. I try to scream but it comes out muffled. Even if i did somehow scream who would believe me, they'd think I'm hallucinating. So I stop screaming and let him pull off my cover and scratch my knee. Leaving a mark on me, he puts the cover back on me and pulls way the tentacles and suddenly the dripping spots are gone.

Now I know I have no choice..... but to kill.

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