For your hatred

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Nendo perspective

Hatred, the word's meaning changed to me. I was once afraid of hatred, afraid of my true self, but I overcame that fear and became what I am. I am meant to protect the idiots who get into stupid incidents, I defend those who are down on their luck. While in this void I have time to think about everything my entire life, I look back and think about it now and wonder, how.
How could a child survive such a horrible life, for twelve years.

Dad always yelled, when he was angry or getting deranged. He was insane a sociopath, he was Kira. He still even after death is Kira and the same deranged man, this black void where only few can go is now my prison. I don't know how long I'll be stuck her. Days,weeks,months,years? Who knows how long I'll be here probably at least a couple years if I'm lucky months. "DAD! I WANNA TALK TO YOU!" I yell, hopefully he can hear me from his void. I know he can't, this is torture I want somebody near me. I need somebody to hold me right now... I can't die in here.

Ena perspective

Nendo isn't dead, then what did Kira do? Did he send him to the void? I'm sitting in my room paranoid and unable to think I write the last name in my death for today and stretch taking a break. "Hey, can I go to the skate park?" I ask. "I'm not your dad ask matsuda" he grumbles. I go downstairs and see my dad pacing back and forth. "Dad you okay?" I ask. "Yeah everything's fine" he responds. I hold his hand a walk to the couch, I sit down prompting him to sit down next to me. "Dad is this about nendo?" I ask,He sighs and nods. "Listen dad I know it seems tough now..." I start. "Everything's gonna be fine, nendo isn't dead he's in a coma" I reassure, he sighs again and looks down at the ground. "I shouldn't be making you do this.." he sighs. "Dad I did this because I wanted to, and because you looked like an idiot" I joke. He bonked the back of my neck. "Watch it" He laughs, I start laughing as well and hug him. "Soo can I go to the skatepark with Rosemary?" I ask, Kira comes down the stairs floating above them of course. He's so goddamn extra. "sure, just don't be gone too late be back by at least four" he answers. "I will!" I say and run upstairs to get changed. "Can you leave?" I ask. Kira turns around but doesn't leave he's still in my room. "I don't want to look at you changing" he scoffs. I start getting changed putting on my favorite pair of shorts, socks, shirt, and ruffling up my black hair. I grab my book bag that I use when I go out and my skateboard and run downstairs, I put on my sneakers and I'm put the door.

Teru's at the skatepark with Rosemary, because I came a little early it's just us. Not a lot of people come here anyway. "So.. we gonna talk about..." I start. "What?" She asks. "You know.." I respond pointing to teru. "Let's just have a good skate and ignore them for once" she sighs. Teru looks at her funny, which prompts me to laugh. "Oh not in a mean way!" She says. "It's just they've been so stressed and I don't know how they'll feel if our skate gets interrupted" she explains. She grabs me and starts hugging me and patting my head. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Shhh shh it's okay" she reassures. I push her off I grab my skateboard and start going to one of the ramps, and she follows me. "Wanna race?" I ask. She nods and we look down. "Three two go!" I exclaim without even setting the rules and I go and she goes down with me.

Nendo perspective.

I can't leave this hell, it's getting dark isn't it. It's only been a few hours right... right!? "What's happening, I feel like I'm going crazy" I say panting. I have books and other things to do but I can't shake the fact that I can't contact anybody. "SOMEBODY PLEASE!" I yell. suddenly my dads in my room. "Let me out you bitch!" I shout. He grabs my wrist and throws me back down on my bed, I rub my head and look at him. "Don't disrespect me"he speaks with a stern tone, his eyes are deep and terrifying I gulp looking at him. "You're all bark and no bite" he adds. "Let me go.. please.." I beg, he simply shakes his head no. "You'll stay here for at least months, you'll immediately tell somebody about me so no" he says.

Near perspective.

Based on new information nendo said something interesting before he fell to a coma, that he needed to see me. His brother kris yagami may know something... if he does this is very valuable information. Considering he sudden coma is it within the realm of possibility that the new Kira caused this or maybe, a new shinigami the first Kira helped. "I need to see kris yagami" I say thru my computer. "Why?" Scarlet asks. "Kris yagami might know something important about the death note, specifically the possibility of the first Kira still being on earth somehow" I explain. "There's a possibility of him being here!?" Aurora exclaims. "The possibility was considered but more as a joke if anything" ide adds. "Well, considering everything we seen it's not entirely impossible" Aizawa says scratching his chin.

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