Chapter 2: What are the Chances?!

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Chapter 2: What are the Chances?!

Bella's pov:

I woke up the next morning not wanting to go to work. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind my work, it's just that I have those days, ya know? Well today was the kind of day where I didn't want to go to the diner to either cook or be a waitress. Although of all the places in town, I learn the most things about people. It's one of those diners that's very vintage and if a stranger would be driving through town they would defiantly go there.

Speaking of strangers I hope that creepy yet appealing guy was way out of town. Ugh, another reason to not want to go to work, HE might be there:/

I stumbled out of bed, cursing as I hit my knee on my desk and fell over in pain. Great start to my day already.... After taking a shower I grabbed a coffee and ran out the door, already a little late. Fortunately the diner is only a few blocks away so I can walk there (I usually end up running haha) without a car. I'm still saving up for one, and I'm almost there!!

I rush into the diner and look around. No beanie guy, just the regulars! Thrilled with this finding I set to work after putting my apron on. I go up to one of the everyday eaters, Kevin, to pour his coffee. I look up when I hear the jingle of the bell on the door. I freeze as HE walks in. Coffee is still coming out of my pitcher. "Ow! Bella stop pouring!!" Kevin yelps. Mortified I look at the mess I have made; steaming coffee is all over the table as well as Kevin. " I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking. I-I..." Kevin cut me off claiming, "Hey, it's ok, no big deal, no harm no foul, right?" I smile at him in gratitude as a hand comes forward with a rag, wiping the table. I jump back when I realize who's hand it is.... Beanie guy:/

"Hi Bella," he mumbled. My mind was frozen, this couldn't be happening to me!! What did I ever do to deserve this? "Uh, hi...WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE? I'm trying to freaking work!" He looked a little stunned at my outburst, but he answered rather snappily," sorry, I didn't realize you owned me? I was just going to get some breakfast until my car is fixed..." "Oh, well, fine then! Just don't come near me," I uttered. "Sure thang," he answered smugly

Okay! Sorry I know it's short:( but I'll add more soon! What do you think so far?! Also thank you for reading this!!

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