you surprise her on tour

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Your heart nearly burst with pride as you peeked your head out from backstage to catch a glimpse of your girlfriend on stage.

You watched as she poured out her heart and soul on that stage as she lived out her dreams with her best friends and enjoyed every single second surrounded by so much love from the fans that excitedly screamed at the top of their lungs for her and the girls.

It's the first time you've seen her in months and you can't stop smiling.

You've been dreaming of this moment and you know Yeri has too.

She was down and quiet last night when you talked on the phone, feeling so crushed that she wouldn't be able to celebrate your two-year anniversary because she was on tour.

Of course, you had some plans of your own.

You had this figured out from day one, as soon as she told you that you could come visit whenever you wanted.

Even though you've had a few opportunities so far, you figured this would be the best one.

All you're waiting for now is for the show to finish so you can give her the biggest surprise.

But you're not impatient and you don't mind waiting for a while, because you're more than happy to watch your girl shine from backstage.

You haven't smiled this big since you and Yeri parted ways the day she left for tour.

But it brings you so much joy to know that even though you've missed her all this time, she was having the time of her life on that stage, where she's always surrounded by people that love and adore her more than words could ever say.

You quietly sang along and watched with stars in your eyes.

You paid attention to all of the girls, finding that their talent and their stage presence were impeccable.

But, of course, your eyes stayed locked on Yeri the most.

You watched as she took a bow with the girls and blew some kisses to the fans, speaking into her mic that she had the time of her life and she couldn't wait to see them all again.

Soon, she and the girls were making their way backstage. You tried to blend in so none of them would notice you and ruin your surprise visit to Yeri.

You watched them all come backstage, panting as they tried to catch their breath as they all grinned from ear to ear and started to take out their ear-pieces and hand their mics over.

You quietly walked up behind Yeri and with every step closer that you took, your heart pounded against your chest.

Finally, you were close enough to cover her eyes. She jumped out of shock and tried to pull your hands away, unaware that it was you.

"Guess who it is." You spoke in her ear and slowly pulled your hands away.

She was so shocked that she almost couldn't move.

She turned around slowly and when she saw you her eyes sparkled like you've never seen before.

"Surprise!" You grinned and then, suddenly, were being pulled into her arms and lifted off the ground as she spun you around in pure happiness.

"Yeri! Let me go!" You laughed and she quickly shook your head as she put her head on your chin and closed her eyes that were already swimming with tears.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered. "It almost doesn't feel real. I've been waiting for this moment."

"Me too, Yeri." You smiled as she put you down and dropped her forehead onto yours.

"You didn't tell me you'd be here tonight." She pouted but it soon turned into a big smile as you brushed your thumb along her lips and gazed at her adoringly.

"Yeah, because I wanted it to be a surprise, silly girl! I know how sad you were about possibly missing our anniversary and, honestly, I was too. So, I decided now was the best time to come and see you."

"I'm so happy!" She giggled as she pressed her lips onto yours for a soft peck.

"Me too." You said as butterflies fill your chest as you saw how incredibly happy she truly was.

"I have to go clean up but meet me in the dressing room?"

You nodded and she kissed your cheek before running down the hall as fast as possible so she could return to your side as quickly as she could.

You greeted the girls and gave them big hugs. They were all just as happy to see you. You're close with them all, so it was nice to reunite with them, as well.

They went to clean up too, so you sat alone, waiting impatiently for Yeri to come back.

She opened the door a few minutes later, looking just as breathtaking now in her grey sweats and her cute shirt as she did before in that stunning stage outfit.

She rushed to your side and pulled you in for yet another hug.

But this one was just a little tighter than before.

She held you close and closed her eyes as she breathed in your familiar scent and it brought a rush of inexpressible happiness over her.

"My baby," she whispered softly as she pulled away and sat down on one of the chairs, pulling you right onto your lap.

She kept her arms wrapped around you and brushed her hand along your back.

"I'm so happy you're here. I didn't want to tell you but I wasn't sure how much longer I could deal with the distance between us. It was overwhelming me."

"Well, now you don't have to feel so overwhelmed. Not for a week, anyway."

"A week is better than nothing." She said as she gave you another hug. "I'm tired. Not enough to sleep, but enough to want to just lay in bed and cuddle with my girl. How about you, baby?"

"I feel the same way. I had a long flight."

She nodded understandingly and held your hand as you walked out of the arena and got a ride back to the hotel, where you went up to the room she was staying in and collapsed onto the bed with a sigh of contentment.

A happy hum fell from your lips as she kissed across your face. She was gazing at you with those pretty eyes, melting your heart as they filled with a look of love.

"What?" You asked as she bit her lip and smiled the sweetest smile at you.

She had something on her mind, some sort of happy thought running through her brain.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"About?" You questioned, curious to hear what was on her mind.

"How I feel at home now, despite still being thousands and thousands of miles away from our home. Now that you're here, everything feels better. I'm really happy. I mean, I've been happy because I'm with the girls and I get to perform for the fans every night but... I don't think I've felt this happy in so long."

"I love you so much," you whispered as you returned the bright look in her eyes, pulling her so close to you that she could feel every beat of your heart against her chest.

You couldn't find the words to say to truly express how happy you felt, so you hoped she could feel how your heart skipped a beat.

"I love you more." She whispered and cupped your cheeks before giving you a sweet kiss, ready to feel this happy, and probably even happier with each passing day, with every minute she gets to spend with you.

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