she carries you to bed

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Yeri knew this was going to happen.

You denied it time and time again, promising her that you'd make it through your movie night together with no problems at all.

But just as she thought, you were sound asleep with your head comfortably rested on her lap.

It warmed her heart to find the smile tug at your lips as she brushed the tips of her fingers along your shoulders.

Even in your sleep, her touch brings you comfort and brings a smile to your face.

Yeri looked at the clock. It wasn't exactly late but she's had a long day too and if you wanted to have an early night, she'd happily do the same.

After all, this gives her the perfect chance to shower you with kisses and spoil you with cuddles since she can lay beside you and hold you tight in her arms instead of you laying there with your head on her lap.

"Okay, baby," she whispered before kissing your head and grabbing the remote to turn off the movie. "Up to bed we go."

She slowly got up and then picked you up, gently lifting you into her arms.

A couple of soft sounds escaped your lips and Yeri felt her heart skip a beat.

You buried your face in her neck as she made her way to the stairs. Your warm breath tickled her soft skin and she couldn't help but giggle.

Her grip on you wasn't tight but it was secure. She took the steps slowly, so she wouldn't misplace her bare feet and risk falling with you in her arms.

She stared down at you, swearing that you looked like an absolute angel. Her heart swelled with love, her eyes full of stars as she watched you sleep.

Or, so she thought.

She watched the smile tug at your lips and she couldn't help but do the same in response.

"Tell me why I'm carrying you up the stairs when you're clearly awake."

"Because I'm too sleepy to and you love me lots."

She couldn't argue; that was true.

She does love you. Very much so.

She didn't say anything else as she padded down the hall to the bedroom. You were already drifting back off to sleep in her arms, feeling as if you were floating on a cloud.

She turned on the light and carried you to the bed. She laid you down and sat at the edge of the bed beside you, watching you breathe as she smiled to herself and thought about just how truly in love with you she is.

But soon, she found her eyes getting heavy and she decided it was time for her to get some sleep, too.

She pulled the blankets up to your shoulders and tried to kiss your head, only for you to move so her lips would touch yours instead.

"Cutie." She grinned from ear to ear as you opened your eyes, a little gleam in them. "I love you."

"I love you too." You whispered. "Cuddle me."

"Okay." She said and crawled under the covers next to you.

You put your head on her chest and yawned.

"Goodnight, Yeri."

"Goodnight, my love. I love you so much. Have dreams."

You didn't reply. You were already fast asleep.

Yeri let out a hum of contentment and started to drift off to sleep with a smile on her face, swearing that she only falls more in love with you every single day.

Yeri Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now