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Our little girl was perfect except one thing. She grew quickly. The way Max explained it to us, we thought she would age normally. No.

Witching a six months she was already the age of three. She seemed to sleep just fine during the day and be awake at night. The first two weeks, she seemed off the schedule but after that was great.

Laddie loved that she was aging quickly because he had a new friend. We quickly noticed she was getting too big to stay in our room full times so the boys worked on getting her a room for herself.

Even though she had her own bed, she still loved to sleep with me. David stayed with us for the first month, until she started really growing. Our bed really wasn't big enough for all three once she grew bigger.

Her room was more neutral colors than just the normal pink. She had a cot and two beds in her room. Laddie had his own space but we noticed he would stay with her during the days if they played too hard at night.

She hasn't had any kind of vampire hunger, just human. We kept food for her in a small, mini fridge left ink my room. She had regular kid snacks like apple sauce, juice, milk, and some yogurts. I had a second mini fridge that held more food for supper type meals. It held sand which meat, cheeses, adult drinks, and a few other things.

The boys were in love with her. Dwayne read to her and Laddie almost every night before putting them to bed. She absolutely loves to jump around and sing with Marko and Paul. She sits with David on his wheelchair when they are home.

If they ever go out without us, they each bring her different surprises. Dwayne's are normally new books or movies for the kids to share. Paul brings her kid type cds for them to listen to. Marko brings clothes or new patches for her jacket. David always brings new toys, snacks, and even clothes if he finds something he thinks she'll like.

David has been an amazing dad to Darci. He always tucks her in before bedtime and has already gone completely soft. He watches movies with her, colors, and even sings her kid songs when the boys "aren't listening."

I just finished my shift at the video store with Max. I had promised I would bring her by tonight when we made our trip to the boardwalk. Tonight was their feeding night. Star and Michael would be joining them tonight. Star loved Darci like she was her own and I loved her for that.

I got to the cave and took my few hour nap before having a child jump on me. Darci only woke me up this way if she knew she was going to see Grappy Max and GG Agatha or Auntie Star and Uncle Michael.

"Mommy! Mommy! Get up! It's family night!" I felt her jumping on the bed right next to me. Then I heard a squeal which startled me awake. She was no longer next to me but in David's arms.

"Darci dear, we were supposed to let mommy sleep for as long as she needed. I know you're excited but mommy needs sleep." He kissed her on her forehead and took her back to her room so she could change.

I got up and ran a bath. I felt two arms wrap around me just before I was able to get in. I look in the closest mirror to see my favorite brunette behind me. He kissed my neck and let me go.

I got into the bath and he soon joined me. Darci was born with this knowledge I never understood. She already knew that they were all my soulmates. She's even mentioned it before. So this, for her, wasn't weird at all.

When we finished, I put on some faded mom jeans and an older cropped AC/DC shirt. I rejoined the rest of the boys in the main room. Star was already there with Michael. They were looking at Darci's newest drawings. She loved giving them pictures.

"Good evening lovely's. She's missed you guys so much. She basically jumped on me when she woke up this evening." Star laughed and got up to hug me. By now, I was back to my pre-baby size. Her arms slipped right around me.

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