Tea Friends 🍋

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intro to book: unlike my obey me shit, im maining vanilla here... it feels a bit more intimate and lovey than bdsm shit, aka im too lazy to write bdsm shit. This book is going to have both character x reader and character x character, we'll be keeping it as legal as possible, and requests are open! also, this entire book is a collab with my beloved editor who writes the intros while i write the everything else (lemons)

chapter overview: they were tea friends oh my archons they were tea friends also I've decided you are both wearing hanfu because it is the Rite of Decension day

song used: Steps by Handsome Ghost [it reminds me of slow burn romance, and the voice is so soothing so I thought it would fit :) at least for the intro part of the book. Charlie likes this song so-

The sleek sepia china from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was a familiar sensation against your fingertips, delicately thin yet surpringly resilient. The material itself conducted heat, so it wasn't the most ideal for hot drinks, yet the design and mood of the dishes were pleasant enough that it was well worth the effort. "More tea, Zhongli?" The sophisticated yet slightly intimidating aura of the china matched the man, or rather, archon, to whom they belonged.

"Of course." His voice was deep, and it tickled you how the tea today matched him to a, well, T. Laughing quietly, you filled his cup as the rich aroma wafted out of the teapot. "What has brought about this smile today, dear one." You looked up at him, "It was the tea, it matches you quite well. The smoked lapsang souchong blend is has a definite flavor, with a distinct aroma as it was smoked over pinewood, and has a rich taste and is well bodied throughout, and the tea set simply matches your dress."

He considered this, before returning a warm smile. "I do suppose you're right. It is quite the coincidence though, seeing how today is the Rite of Descension, where I'm expected to descend from the sky and prepare the people of Liyue for the coming year. " He lifted the cup to his lips, and you caught yourself watching for a bit too long. Setting down the pot, you picked up your own cup and trailed over to the balcony.

The salty ocean scent that permeated the entirety of Liyue Harbor didn't reach this far into the woods, the air instead perfumed by qingxin and silkflowers blooming nearby. You heard steps near, and he leaned against the railing beside you. It was a comfortable silence, a delicacy one couldn't afford the busy streets of Liyue Harbor. His shoulder brushed against yours and you turned to study his face as his gaze met yours.

It seemed as sudden as the breeze that ruffled leaves overhead, your surroundings seemed to disappear as his hand tipped your chin up and his lips, oh archons, his lips met yours. The kiss was gentle, as though he feared scaring you away. You eyes had fluttered shut on instinct, and when he pulled away slightly, you exhaled slightly.

Hesitating to ensure you had no discomfort, the second kiss was heavier than the first, and the lingering taste of tea from his lips made it all the more pleasant. He seemed to have realized what had just transpired, as he released your face and stepped back abruptly. "Ah, I believe I forged ahead at an inopportune time, please accept my sincere apologies-"

You pressed fingers to your lips, feeling slightly dazed from the sudden intimacy with the usually reserved man. A few words came out, but they resembled more of an afterthought than a reply. He tipped his head, leaning towards you slightly to convey his concern. "Pardon me, I'm not sure I heard you?" You slowly repeated what you said, unable to organize your thoughts long enough to give the prim and proper responses as you usually did. "That was my... first... kiss..."

He fidgeted as you collected your thoughts, unsure whether he should take your hand or leave. "Did you... mean... it?" The Geo Archon stopped moving as you spoke, straightening up to his full height. "Did I mean it? The kiss? It wasn't as I intended, this time and place but... yes, there were feelings in my gesture." Leaning back against the railing, you stared blankly off into the distance. "Feelings... for me..." Zhongli exhaled quietly as you continued to mull it over; the worst outcome hadn't taken place.

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