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He looks at you like you were the only person in Teyvat. His gaze makes you feel more important than a king, more loved than a god. No matter what you do no matter the mistakes you make or the flaws you have, he would never leave you. He said he would never leave your side, and as the God of Contracts, it must be true.

You watch him gaze over the scenic rock formations, studying the way the wind caresses his hair and presses loose auburn locks to his cheeks. "Zhongli," you step up to stand at his side, as an equal, "I am yours." He turns to you with a somber look, his usually bright eyes dull. "And I, yours."

You understand what he means to say, what he cannot bring himself to utter. The winds today are warm, and carry an ominous aura. The ashen sky smells of rain, thunder will surely follow. The very heart of Teyvat is pounding, as are the hearts of many.

You could feel your body heat ebbing away as your knees pressed against the cold stone. The rain fell in torrents, seconds of reprise before heavy drops battered your skin. His skin was cold- too cold. Eyes that could no longer see, reflecting the sky as you gazed at him. Intense heat behind your eyes until salty tears mingled with rainwater on your cheeks. 

The horns sprouting from his head were magnificent, flecked with gold and curving back; His limbs tipped with gold that faded to black as they reached his torso. As you rocked back and forth, cradling him to your chest, sobs racked your body. It felt as though your heart had been impaled- like all the happiness had been ripped from your body.

Minutes passed, maybe hours. None of it mattered. The rain, as though choosing mercy, thinned to a light sprinkle. Not that it mattered, you could barely feel anything now. A foreign sensation pulled your attention away from your lover for a moment. It was Barbatos, placing a hand on your back.

His expression was grim, and it made the pain worse. You pushed him away, turning back to the man you loved. To your dismay, his body appeared to be crumbling away. Trying to grasp him closer, trying to keep him from leaving you, was fruitless. All he left behind was dust. You didn't realize you were screaming until you ran out of air.


Raising your eyes to Celestia, you beseeched them, "Please! Please... Take me instead! Give him back and take me!" Venti gripped your shoulders as you trembled. You could barely choke out the question, much less accept he was gone. "Does- Does the pain ever go away?"

"...You only make room for it."

He held you as you cried until you had nothing left. Exhaustion weighed down on your shoulders, and you slumped against the Archon, curling your hands into fists. It was a struggle, but you drew in a deep breath and exhaled. 

"I will make them pay."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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