Does he like me or not

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Hisashi said "Son you need to make a bond with someone so another incident like this goes way down. I know that it may not matter that your bonded to some people but to most it will." Izuku just looked at his father.

Izuku said "No I don't want to do a bond simply cause it will reduce the risk of what happen, happening again. Second I've thought about this I'm dropping out of U.A. I've come to realized that it was a mistake for me to come here." Hisashi looked at Izuku like he ate a lemon whole. No one noticed that Aizawa had walked into the room at the time Izuku made earlier about not wanting to bond with someone. Aizawa Said "I came to see why Midoriya wasn't in class can someone tell me what is going on here." Recovery Girl said "Shota you can leave Midoriya wont be in any of the afternoon classes."

before Aizawa could say anything Hisashi looked at his son and said "Izu son I know that you don't want to bond but I need you to do this and your not pulling out of school or the hero course. Now I want you to think about who you want to bond with and then we will talk about it with them and then you can bond after some time. Once the two of you get to know each other how does that sound." Izuku thought for awhile before he said "Dad that would work and I know who I want."Aizawa had left since he had a class to teach. Hisashi said "Who is it I believe we should get this started now" Izuku said "Since it seems I'm going to have to bond then I want it to be Mic sensie."it so happened that Present Mic had a free period at the moment. Recovery Girl called Yamada to the office. Once Yamada was there he looked around confused. He didn't understand why he was called to Recovery Girl's office.

 Mic asked "Why am I here." Recovery Girl answered with the explanation on what was going on and what they wanted Mic to do. Izuku looked down the whole time expecting his teacher to reject the proposal and to say how horrible it was and that he wouldn't do it. Yamada was quiet for quite some time before he said "I'm not sure about what is going on. I'm not even sure this is a good idea let alone for the best. By the looks of things the little listener doesn't want todo this. I need a through explanation and time to think about this."Izuku knew it. Before leaving he said "I'm going back to my room. Dad can explain to Mic sensie about it. On his way back to the dorms he was thinking I knew it he doesn't like me. He wont want to bond with me or be more then just my teacher. Izuku walked to his room and layed on the bed and sobbed. He was hurting and he wanted it to go away.

Back at Recovery Girls office

Hisashi had fully filled Present Mic in on everything. What was going the decision that has been made what it means to be bonded to a neko. What will eventually come with being bonded. That he couldn't back out if he decided that he didn't want to be bonded anymore. That Izuku would die if at any point Mic decided to bond with him and then decided that he was tired of it. That once the bond was formed then it literally was a death do us part thing. Once the explanation was finished Mic said "I will think about it. I don't know if its something that I want to do." Yamada was thinking that he liked Izuku but did he like him in that way. If he did like him like that then was he ready and willing to make a bond with the little listener. Was he someone that he could care for and protect from all harm Yamada continued to think about it. By the time the day ended it was still circulating through his mind.  

Back to Izuku

 He had cried himself to sleep. He awoke the next day with puffy eyes and a headache. He knew that it was from crying the night before. He didn't want to go to class since he would be seeing Mic sensie when he had English. He wasn't ready to see his face and know that he wasn't liked. At least that was what Izuku was thinking on his way to class that morning. On the other hand Mic was excited about class and teaching the little listener. He wasn't to tell the little neko that he wanted to give things a try. That he wanted to be with him. Mic was up thinking about it. The more he thought the more he came to the decision that he really liked Izuku and that he wanted to bond with the neko. Before he would or anything he would make sure it was truly what the boy wanted and not just to protect him from the dangers of being a neko.

As the two people with different thought process arrived at the time that Izuku would have English. Izuku payed attention to the lesson like heal ways does. He had a hard time looking at his teacher so he chose to find a spot in the wall right next to Mic sensie. This ways it would look like he was looking at the teacher when he wasn't. As class came to an end Mic asked "Midoriya can you stay behind I need to talk at you." Izuku said "Yes sir." Izuku waited for the rest of the class to leave so he could hear the rejection he was sure to get from his teacher. After the last student left and the door was closed Mic said "Izuku I want you to look me in the eyes as I talk to you alright." Izuku looked up at his teacher.

 He saw a smile and then his eyes meet and Izuku blushed. Mic said "Goodnow I want to tell you that I want to get to know you. I eventually would like to bond with you. What I'm saying is that I like you too. Would you like to be my boyfriend and see about bonding." Izuku brighten up when he realized that his teacher liked him the same way. Izuku said "Yes I would love that." Mic gave him a kiss on the check and told him to go to lunch. Izuku skipped off to lunch excited that the person he liked liked him too. That Mic sensie didn't want to bond just to make a threat go away but cause he wanted to be with him. This made Izuku's day go a lot better and a lot happier.  

A/N I own neither pictures or MHA all rights go to their original owners

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