Becoming Parents

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After leaving the office they made it to Hizashi's he had to grab some papers then they would go back to the dorms. They came up with a plan for when Hizashi was working. They decided that Izuku would become a cat for the day why hizashi taught classes.

At least why they had to stay together for the month after the bond. Once the bond month was over then Izuku would be staying in either the dorm room or in Hizashi's office. He would do some schoolwork why he waited he just wouldn't be doing UA classes. Izuku was firm in his decision to leave the school. They contacted his dad and told him that he was fine and that he had with Hizashi. His dad said he would be coming by in a couple days to see him. That he missed his son and was glad he was safe. A couple days passed and Hisashi had shown up at the school to see his son. After talking with his son as the three of them walked around UA he went home. Izuku had promise to talk or text his dad on a daily basis. He wasn't allowed to disappear like that again. He promised that he would stay in touch with his dad. That he would go to hound dog and talk or talk with either his dad or Hizashi if he ever got to the point he wanted to run away again.

Time passed and the month went by and Izuku stayed more often in the dorm room he shared with Hizashi. Izuku had realized that morning he had gone into heat. He texted his dad that gone into heat and would be out of it for a week. His dad said to keep in touch as he could durning this week. He wanted to know what was going on. Izuku spent the week of his heat having sex with Hizashi. The two men was hoping for a pregnancy. Izuku felt like he was ready for children and he knew his dad was ready for grandbabies. It was about two weeks after his heat when he got sick. He thought that he caught a bug and didn't pay much attention to it. That wasn't the case. Izuku was pregnant and would soon find that out.

Early after being sick for five days he made his way to recovery girl to see why he was sick. He told Recovery Girl what was going on and she proceeded to examine him. She told him to take it easy for a bit. It wasn't long and his results were done. He left the room to meet Hizashi for lunch. He was eating when Recovery Girl called him down to the medical office to talk about the results. As he got to the room Bakugo had come out of the room and noticed him. Bakugo had pushed Izuku up against the wall and said "Nerd what are you doing here. You don't go to school here. Why don't you go back to the pathetic third rate school you came from." Bakugo then punched Izuku in the solo plex. This winded Izuku. After Bakugo had left he went into the room to talk to Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl talked for a moment about some normal stuff then told him that he was three weeks pregnant. This made Izuku happy. He told Recovery Girl that he would be telling the father that day. He planned to wait till after school to tell Hizashi about the baby. He would tell him once in the dorm room. Izuku was excited he hoped that Hizashi would be as well. He wanted to tell his bonded then tell his dad. He went to the dorm room and waited. When Hizashi got back he said "Izu love where you at." Izuku said "Zashi I am in the living room. I have some news to tell you." Izuku kept thinking what if Hizashi hates me after I tell him. What if he doesn't want a child. Maybe he was just playing with me. He was scared for the reaction that the man he loved would have to the news of Izuku being pregnant.

Once Hizashi was sitting down there was for a bit. Hizashi said "Izu love what is it that you wanted to tell me." Izuku said "I went to Recovery Girl today she did an exam and I found out that I am pregnant. Izuku looked down he didn't want to see Hizashi's face. A few minutes passed. Hizashi was thought he heard wrong. Izuku was getting worried he didn't say anything. Hizashi said "Izu love did you basically say I was going to be a dad." Izuku said "Yes."Hizashi then Shouted "YES I AM GOING TO BE A DAD. WOOHOO." He was so excited that he called his best friend Shota and yelled that he was going to be a dad at him. He then called Nemuri and told her. Why Hizashi was telling everyone he could Izuku called and told his dad that he was going to be a grandfather. His dad shouted in joy.

Izuku was glad that he his bonded was excited. The next day it seemed that the whole school of UA knew that Mic sensie was going to be a dad. That his bonded neko was expecting. There seemed to be a betting pool going on with the teachers. Even Aiwaza was taking part. So far the bets were as  follows:

Hound Dog: twins a boy and a girl

Eraserhead: a girl neko

Midnight: a boy loud just like mic

Vlad King: Twins two boys

Ectoplasm: triplets two girls and a boy

Snipe: twins two girls

Lunch Rush: triplets two boys and a girl

Recovery girl: twins a boy with a neko girl

Nezu: twins two girls both nekos

All Might: Triplets all boys

thirteen: Triplets all girls

it seemed that who ever was right would receive the money from the betting which was 2000 yen. Once the gender and how many was reveled then the winner would get the money for now they would just have to wait for the results. Recovery Girl would be doing check up son a regular basis. The teachers couldn't as her when she found out they would have to hear it from Izuku or from Hizashi when they announced the gender/s and how many they was expecting.

Time passed Hizashi and Izuku had decided to not revel the babies gender till after the birth. Hizashi couldn't wait for their little bundle of joy to come. He was going to spoil his child so much. He talked to Izu's belly a lot. He also placed his hands on the bump as well. Recovery Girl was giving check ups and telling them that the baby was doing fine. That they were on track for the child to becoming Izu was do in early march. During the pregnancy Izuku would be skipping his heat. This was a way for his body to prepare for that of a baby. He would be able to produce breast milk. At this point Recovery Girl knew which teacher had won the bet.

For Izuku and Hizashi it seemed that time had passed quickly and it was time for the baby to arrive. The baby was do any day now. Izuku was put on bed rest. Recovery Girl was dropping by more often with the baby so close to coming. It was early in the morning when Izuku went into labor. He woke Hizashi up and told him to get him to Recovery Girl's office. That the baby was coming. Hizashi picked Izuku up and ran with him to Recovery Girl's office. After placing Izuku on a bed he called Recovery Girl to let her know that Izuku had gone into labor. Izuku was trying to focus on breathing. The plan was that Recovery Girl would do a c section to remove the baby. Izuku squeezed the hand of his bonded every time he had a contraction. By the time Recovery Girl got there and prepped everything for the birth of the baby the rest of the staff had been notified. There had been a be ton which date the baby would be born on.

The bets went as follows:

Midnight: March 8th

Snipe: March 15th

Thirteen: March 13th

Ectoplasm: March 10th

Nezu: March 11th

Eraserhead: March 12th

All Might: March 7th

Hound Dog: March 4th

Lunch Rush: March 6th

Vlad King: March 16th

Izuku had his daughter on March 12th at 7:20 in the morning After an exhausted birth they smiled down at the girl with tiny cat ears that quickly disappeared. The ears and a tail would become permeant features for her when she reached the age of four intil then she would look like any other kid. After much thought they decided to introduce the baby to everyone once Izuku had woken up. So it wasn't till noon that day before they knew the name of the little girl. She would be called Akio Ino Yamada. The first person she was introduced to was to Izuku's dad her grandfather.

 She was then introduced to both Nemuri and Shota. Shota was grinning like the cat that ate the canary. I suppose he did since he won both of the staff bets. They introduced her to All Might and Nezu after sentully her aunt and uncle left. The days passed and the family of three fell into a routine quickly. No matter how tired Hizashi was after hero work and teaching he found time to play with his daughter. Izuku took care of her during the day some times getting help from his father who had retired from being a hero. She grew quickly. Soon she went from being a baby that needed help with everything to being able to crawl and then being able to walk and run.

AN I don't own MHA or the pictures all credit goes to rightful owner of both

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