𝐽𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑦

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Finally prom night
You had called Hyunjin, saying that they can leave early and that you would take time getting ready.

Everyone was dancing and these two were standing in the corner drinking orange juice. Two reasons why they don't have a date.

1- Junior girls are crazy.
2- girls in the same grade rejected them.

"you know what Seungmin, we don't need anyone"

"right! We have each other"



"are we about to kiss right now?"

"the fuc-"

"Yo ain't that Y/N?" "She looks hot"

The two boys turned their heads in your direction. Hyunjin being Hyunjin had to be dramatic while Seungmin froze looking at you.

He rather found you gorgeous. The looked how the blue dress you were wearing suited you.
[Seungmin's favourite colour is blue btw]
He was glad that he chose the dress.

His expressions changed into annoyance once when he saw a guy approaching you. He held your hand and walked towards where everyone was dancing.

"Seungmin? You good bro?"

"let's kill him"


"if she's your best friend, she won't leave you alone like this!"

"who said I'm alone?"

Seungmin looked at him in disgust

"you're with me"



You were just slow dancing which this guy peacefully. The slow music changed into a sad and he suddenly started crying

"hey are you okay?"

"yeah I just...miss my girlfriend"


This guy is pathetic. He then cried more and ran away. You got annoyed and went to the table where Hyunjin and Seungmin were.

"pffft that was enjoyable"

"shut up! I didn't dress up for that to happen"

You complained, hiding your face with your hands.

"it's okay Y/N"

Hyunjin pats your head

"what now?"

You ask with an upset look

"nowwww I'll get some drinks."

Hyunjin got the drinks, they were all different. You and Seungmin stopped after one drink but Hyunjin kept on drinking more.

"Hyunjin stop"

Seungmin took his drink and sniffed it.

"this is alcohol"

And then...Hyunjin babbled something and fell asleep.

"great. There was no point in this"

You complained

"what did you want then?"

"I don't know. Maybe just dancing and then someone would find me beautiful then propose to me."

"you really..."

He looked at your annoyed expression while you were looking at others dancing. He then got up and walked to your side. Then, putting his hand forward for you to hold.

"are you-"


You just held his hand and walked with him to the dance floor. He took your hand and put it on his shoulder then putting his hand on your waist. His other hand held yours. You two started slow dancing. Your eyes were just looking away while his eyes were on you.

When he felt someone looking towards you, he turned his head to them. They started whispering about you. Seungmin felt the need to wrap his arm more around your waist, pulling you closer till the other guys kept their gaze off you.

Minute by minute, Seungmin kept pulling you closer. You kept looking away. Just when he was about to hold your chin up to look at him-

"Y/N~ Seungmin~ where are you two~ "

Seungmin groaned lightly

"Fuck you Hwang Hyunjin"

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