Forced To Return.

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Chapter One

All I did was walk into my house. Coming back from the Gym, it's Nothing suspicious, but I suppose as of who I am, I should always be suspicious. One too many steps without looking around, and I was jumped, into my living room, my own! What an invasion of privacy. I now sat in a dark-ass room staring at my 'kidnapper' who looked like a dickless... Well, dick. He looked like a dick. "Is your name Dick?" I asked and he didn't move or say anything. "Okay at least tell me what you need with me?" I sighed rolling my head back, this was so unproductive.

"Shut up." He said and I heard yelling from outside the door. "Don't move."

"Like I could!" I tugged on my rope restraints, he walked out and when the door closed I leaned my head back. "Damain," I said (da-main)

"Yes, Miss Stark?" My AI spoke from my wristwatch.

"Activate... Laser." I said and I heard it kick up, I looked back to the best of my capability and I went through one of the ropes causing it all to fall apart. "Deactivate," I said and it turned off. "What dumbass doesn't take my watch off, I mean, I am Iron Man's daughter." I rolled my eyes as I heard the door open, I tensed and looked at them, luckily I hadn't moved yet, "Hey Dick." He looked at me before moving to go around me, but before he did, I lunged up and grabbed him by the head slamming it down into my knee, causing him to stumble, I was still in my gym clothes so I was able to move like usual, his handgun fell and I kicked it away so he couldn't get it, as I went to move to grab it, he dived at me, and pulled something out I didn't see till it was too late, I cried out in pain as it sources resided in my abdomen, he pushed me down and I fell thankfully next to the handgun, I grabbed it, aimed and shot in a matter of seconds, adrenaline filling my veins. At this point, I hadn't realized I heard shooting coming from outside of the room, but even then I couldn't pay attention as I looked down at the bloody wound, and knife that still sat in my abdomen. "Fuck." I groaned as I pushed myself up against the wall, I pushed my hand around the wound, as blood soiled my clothes, the door opened and I aimed the gun I held in my free hand, shooting blindly, only to hear it hitting metal, my vision becoming blurry, I saw a familiar red and White of my childhood crush's shield. "Cap?" I whispered as his eyes lowered and saw me.

"Miss L/N?" He asked and his eyes widened seeing my wound he rushed to me, dropped the shield next to me, and held his hands up in worry, he held his hand to his ear speaking. "Found her, she's wounded." I bit my lip, that meant Dad was here, he reached down to grab the knife and I grabbed his hand.

"Don't take it out," I said and he looked at me. "I'll bleed to death, it's stopping the blood," I whispered, he made an O shape with his mouth. "Help me up, I can walk-" I coughed and he nodded pulling me up and I leaned into him, grabbing his shield. "Not how I thought I would meet Mr. America." I laughed, but it hurt to laugh, so I groaned as we talked out of the room.

"Well Miss L/N, it's a pleasure, to meet you, alive." He said and I looked up at him humming, from what I could see of his face, he had an amazing jaw and pretty lips, and his eyes were a pretty blue. I then heard a familiar voice.

"Where is she!?" I looked up and saw his suit, and him, I suppose... that stupid suit. "Y/N!" He saw me.

"Quick turn around," I said and Captain looked at me confused.

"Is that- what!?" He was grabbing my arm.

"Don't touch me while in that stupid thing! Get me to a fucking hospital!" I growled as I almost slipped, but Captain caught me, and I groaned, I started seeing dots. "I'm going down-" I muttered as I began falling into him.

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