- 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 -

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" Literally run the fuck away from me before i choke you with my bear hands" Thomas let the whole anger out but not only him, Everybody was very angry at Damiano, even Giorgia.  
"Okay everybody lets calm down and think of something" Ethan offered the only logical way. what should we do? find another hotel? Too much money will be lost. Thomas decided to call that hotel we were supposed to stay in, hoping they would give us refund or at least give us rooms this weekend instead of the next one so he did call them but unfortunately their answer was " We will refund half of your money but unfortunately there are no available rooms this weekend".
Left with no other idea, we decided to go drink, eat and come up with something there.

The restaurant we went to was beautiful, not very big but not small either, it looked pretty fancy while we looked like broke tourists who somehow got there with their luggages, it was really funny to be honest even the waitress who greeted us couldn't hold her laugh in Even tho she was trying hard.
We left our things in the entrance and order literally Everything on the menu, everyone was very hungry, especially Anna who eats everything when she is nervous.
After we ate our food, we ordered chocolate truffles and decided to talk.
" Maybe we should search for a nearby hotel and stay there? it doesn't have to be fancy at all" i said as i took a sip of delicious red wine.
" i thought about that too" Thomas said but then quickly added " But they are either all full or too expensive for two days", " how expansive can it be" Damiano finally let a word out after sitting in silence this whole time, most definitely because he knew he shouldn't have made this mistake.
" You shut up" Ethan answered him kind of aggressively, " hey stop treating him like this couldn't happen to any of us, you really think Damiano booked a hotel for the next week on purpose? yeah i get it you are angry but it already happened and none of us can change it so just get over it and lets spend our time on something that can actually help" My speech made everyone shut up, especially Ethan who looked me straight in my eyes with his look, he definitely was angry. " Ethan why are you mad now come on" but he didn't respond, he just looked for a few more seconds and then looked away.

Breakfast was soon finished and we decided to split up, find somewhere to stay, walk around a little bit and then meet up in front of the Eiffel tower.

" Vic and i will head this way" Anna pointed on our right, " Well then Damiano and i will go to this one hotel that might be suitable for us and see you guys soon". After Giorgia and Damiano left, it was only me, Ethan and Thomas.
" Maybe three of us should go together? what you guys think", Thomas nodded but Ethan on the other hand.." I want to walk around alone a little bit if its okay, will meet you near the Eiffel with others" he said without even looking at me. That made my heart shatter but decided not to show him that and just said " Okay then Thomas lets go".

Thomas and i left Ethan, as soon as we were a little far away , Thomas asked " Hey is everything okay with you two?", " i don't know, he has been acting a little weird today but.." I felt that talking about my problem was spreading bad Energy, " But Everything will be good, i for sure know that!".
Both of us forgot about finding a hotel and we literally went inside Every shop in Paris.
" I am going to make you feel better, sit here and wait for me!" Thomas said as we entered one of the dress shops.
So i sat down on a little chair in front of the changing room, in a few minutes he called " Are you ready mademoiselle?", " oui Monsieur!".

" What do you think la demoiselle, does this dress suit me?" Thomas asked, standing in front of me in a bright red dress, like the one you would wear on a ball. " OUI OUI MADEMOISELLE, MONSIEUR BRANDON WILL DEFINITELY FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU" I bursted out laughing which caused everyone staring at us and them laughing too.
" BRANDON?...girl who is Brandon" He asked seriously which made me laugh even harder. " wait a minute i wills show you who Mister Brandon is". Quickly i took a suit off the hanger and changed into it. " OHH MISTER BRANDON HELLO" Thomas literally screamed when he saw me in a blue glittery suit, we looked like homeless psychos.
In a few minutes Worker approached us " so Mademoiselle and Monsieur are you buying those clothes because if not i have to ask you to take it off unfortunately..", " yeah yeah we will take if off in a second, lets go Thomas" I said but Thomas stopped me " Actually we will take them, but we are going to buy them without taking them off if its okay".

Yes we in fact bought those outfits and walked around the city dressed like that until it was time to meet our friends. We took a taxi, Everyone was already there, waiting for us.

" WHAT ARE YOU WEARING" Anna screamed from Confusion but they were all laughing so hard except Ethan of course.
" i thought we were looking for hotels, what were you two doing" he said with an angry but ironic tone, " Come on Ethan whats-" Thomas wanted to respond to him but i decided to talk with him privately " Its okay T , Ethan i would like to talk with you..privately"

It was already getting dark and we had no where to go, Ethan and i haven't talked yet and it is bothering me, what's happening to him, why is he acting like that..

I couldn't wait anymore so i Took Ethans hand and dragged him away from others, " we will catch up with you" I told Anna.
" Ethan what's wrong with you, is everything alright?..are you mad at me or something?" All this questions but no Answer from him. We were standing in silence for a few seconds Until he finally let a word out. " i am just scared of losing you again. i am sorry but this thoughts won't leave me alone..i am just..scared." I have only seen Ethan like this once..6 months ago when i left him and now he has this same face, scared, unprotected..like a little baby. i didn't say anything, just hugged him, tightly and he hugged me back " Even if you want me to go..i will never leave you". " promise?.." he asked, " promise" i answered.

We talked a little more and everything was so much better, old happy Ethan was back. it was just about the time to leave when i felt a tap on my shoulder.

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