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―――――――――――Narrator's Pov――――――――――――――

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Narrator's Pov

A man in disguise,
was walking around happily in the middle of the forest for some new magic to learn. He was also just dubbed as the new wizard king, That's when he came across a pregnant woman on the ground screaming for help. He immediately turned to his true self and ran to the woman.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I think my water broke, I don't think we can seek medical help in time. The baby's going to come out!"

"M-may i?" He asked and the woman nodded.

He took off his Robe and place it on her to give her privacy while he delivers the baby. He had read some information before. He lifts up her dress and pulled her undergarments.

"I need you to push." He said.

The woman grunted as she pushed. Beads of sweats were running down on her forehead.

"Breathe in... out... then push." The Wizard King said, the woman nodded and pushed.

She was about to cry because of the excruciating pain she was feeling. She let out a scream of pain. The man offered his hand to her and she immediately grabbed onto him. The man nodded and she pushed.

The man saw the head come out and he immediately supported it with his free hand. The woman was crying at this point.

"I feel like I'm gonna die..."

"Please don't say that." The man said.

The woman pushed again and the upper body was out. He supported the newborn's upper half as he gently pulled the baby out. Cries of it is heard.

"It's a girl."

He placed the baby on the woman's chest and she cried of joy. He somehow had scissors with him and cut the umbilical cord.

He put them in his Chrono statis and teleported to the doctor Owen's office to remove the other stuff in her. (Just imagine she was really in pain and is about to pop any moment.)

He went outside to wait for them.

In the room the mother named the girl Adira, she knew something was going to happen to her within these days so she slipped a letter on her newborn. She felt her heart palpitating, she cant breathe.

Owen was trying his best to make her breathe with his magic but he couldn't save the mother. He prayed respects to the woman whom just died.

He then told The man who brought them to him the bad news. The man was feeling mixed feelings.

"M-may i see her?" He asked and the doctor nodded.

He saw a letter on the baby, he got it and start to read it. It was written 7 days ago

"I know something will happen to me as my magic told me. I am Pia, Pia Staria. I am a foreigner from a far away island. I was a royal's mistress, I was his former servant, he exiled me when he knew I was pregnant. On the day of my death, my baby will be born, a man will help me, and I will die. I can't change the fate as that's what my magic is. It is very accurate and whatever you do, you cant change it. Unless you have the thread magic from the witches forest. I am rambling too much, I will name my baby Yara Adira G. and she can have the last name of the man who will help me, and when I die, I'll leave it to the man who helped me."

The wizard king was trying not to cry, He was now left with a big responsibility. He promised the woman one thing for sure he will do...

He will protect the child, even if it costs his life.

He will protect the child, even if it costs his life

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𝚆𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now