Chapter 7

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⚠️TW RAPE Suicidal thoughts⚠️
Liviana's pov

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep liv," Bella told me" are you gonna be okay" I nodded and sat back down next to the pool about an hour later Bella's dad came out


Bella's dad was on top of me and I felt the world sink I couldn't breathe I was weak when it came to him he started to touch me all over my body

"No stop" I tried to push him off but I couldn't he was too strong for me

"Relax Livvy" he whispered in my ear I felt shivers run down my body not the good kind he started to take off my top and that's when it hit me he's going to rape me whether I like it or not

"No! Stop please no!" I begged

He slapped me across the face and my cheek went numb he started to take off my pants and underwear for the first time ever I showed weakness he got on top of me again and pinned my hands above my head I cried and screamed but nobody heard he shoved himself in me hard and I started to bleed I screamed even louder at the pain he just kept going like he's not raping me

"You asked for this" he whispered in my ear
"No one will ever love you"

When he was finally done I couldn't feel anything I walked out of the room and out of the house, I saw a bench after walking for what felt like hours I sat down and cried I could still feel his touch on my body the things he said played with my mind

My parts hurt so bad I couldn't breathe it hurt to breathe I walked to my favorite place a pound it was public but nobody is gonna be there

I sat down right next to the water and looked at it I was done with this wold I wanted to leave I didn't care who I hurt I'm hurting more than they ever will

I walked into the water and sank into it I let myself relax and slowly I couldn't breathe it was uncomfortable but all I could think of was him, his touch his words it hurt to think about it how I am going to live with myself

Before I could finally relax and close my eyes someone pulled me out of the water and slammed me to the ground


"WHAT THE HELL LIV YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" he yelled at me and I broke down into his arms and told him everything
My eyes flew open and my breathing was uneven I looked over at the time


I was crying as I remembered it all. Have you ever heard that saying 'be like glass if they break you cut them' if I cut them they heal I don't I will forever be broke but slowly I have to pick up the pieces and I'm trying so hard but it's not that easy?

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower I couldn't even recognize the girl in the mirror I put on some jeans and an oversize t-shirt I was still crying but I couldn't care less I walked out of my room and made I way to the kitchen as soon as I walked in the door every one went silent as they saw my face

"What's wrong,"conall asked as he walked over to me I didn't answer him I grabbed a water bottle and tried to head out the kitchen but aries stopped me

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I said and looked him dead in the eyes

"No" he folded his arms over his chest "tell me what's wrong," he said and my eyes went to the ground as I remembered

"Get out of my way!" I razed my voice and pushed him he didn't even flinch "please move" I was ready to beg him I didn't want anyone to see me at my lowest he moved out the way but followed me so did everyone
"Tell me what happened," he said and I just walked "tell me!" He raised his voice "tell me or I'm gonna find out" I knew he wouldn't find out but I was so sick of his shit so fed up so I just slipped up

"I WAS FUCKING RAPED OKAY!" I yelled and turned around they all froze "that's why I'm fucking crying because I have this fucking voice in my head" my voice cracked "telling me I'm not good enough telling me to relax telling me I asked for it" a single tear made its way down my face" his touch all over my fucking body and I feel him I have to deal with that every day" I whispered the last part but they heard me

"And it fucking hurts to the point where I want to kill myself sometimes that's the only thought that goes through my head, I look at myself in the mirror and all I can see is him telling me that no matter how hard I try I'm never going to be good enough" I felt more tears run down my face and I quickly wiped them off and smiled "so that's why I'm like this that's fucking why" I saw his eyes fill with rage and sympathy I looked over to my brothers and I saw the pain and hurt in there eyes
"I'm so sorry liv we didn't know,"conall said to me
"Spear me your pity I don't need it," I said to him and walked past them all to my room but before I could to the stairs I saw them
I saw the two people I wanted to see ever since I got here




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