09: The Double Date - Part 1

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- Win's POV -

My leg is shaking voluntarily as I bite my nails on my right hand, a habit I have picked up watching humans all this time.

Yeah, I know. Of all the habits I could have picked up, why this right?

Well, I love watching movies and series and I have always noticed protagonists do this when they feel scared, uncomfortable, or something that I have eventually found myself mimicking them and from then on I was not able to unlearn this habit.

But that's not what matters right now.

I sit in front of Bright here in our hideout and I can feel his eyes on me now. It's been days since I went out. Bright asked me to stay here for a while.

They know. The management knows and I only have a little time before the summonses reach me.

Not yet, please. I'm not yet prepared to face the consequence of my mistake. I don't want to be punished. 

I thought I have three months but apparently, I have much less time.

I can't keep running forever.


I looked at the hand on my right knee. Bright's touch somehow calmed me down.

I looked him in the eyes as he kneels in front of me. "I'm scared, Bright." I pursed my lips as my eyes begin to water.

"I know. But I'm here. I will always be here. I will help you run away again and again." Bright smiled at me and for a second I thought I felt my heart skip a beat.

Bright has been a big help to me these days. 

Ever since that day that he found me shivering in fear in the streets, he tried his best to keep me company as much as he could. He goes to work and brings me food in between. As soon as he finishes delivering souls to the Court, he comes back at once. He tells me about his day, but no specifics about the gruesome part of his work. He usually tells me stories about the humans he meets and sees, stories that he knows I miss and always make me happy. 

For someone who never really cared about humans before except when he needs to reap their souls, he sure has a lot of stories up in his sleeves now.

"I know." I smiled at him, too.

Because I really do. It has been proven and tested by me that as long as I have Bright. I have nothing to worry about. He'll protect me. He always has.

"Are you ready?" He asked me and I nodded.

Within the days that I have stayed cooped up here, escaping the imminent summonses from my boss, Bright has helped me execute some of our plans to separate Tawan and Thitipoom.

He told me that apparently, Tay has already overcome his fear of cats when New introduced him to his cat. Bright also guided a flying cockroach once to him when he brought New home, which seemingly became an everyday routine now, but New just laughed at him and did not really turn him off when Tay ran almost at the end of the street, trying to evade the flying cockroach which weirdly would not leave him alone. 

The two are becoming closer and closer each day. I need to move fast but I can't when there are Hermes everywhere looking for me!

Today, we plan to destroy their date. Bright got wind of the two planning to have a movie date today and of course, we took this opportunity to make mayhem.

It's a must. We have to.

So, we will.



- Tay's POV -

It's Sunday and I stand now outside New's house, leaning on my car.

His shop is closed on Sundays so I asked him for a date today.

Me and New on a date. Just thinking about it elicits a smile on my face. These past few days, I have been going to lunch and dinner with him. I only have a week before I have to stop coming to his cafe every day since I told him that I'm only free for a month.

Argh! I could have thought of another excuse that would make me have a justifiable reason for going there every day! 

I have been nothing but happy in his presence.

Am I going fast with this? I don't know. 

I mean, considering what's normal, maybe I am.

But what I feel for New cannot be contained within the norms.

Something about him just draws me in. His looks? His personality?

I don't know. I could not pinpoint it.

But when I am with him, my heart is at peace.

When I am with him, I feel happy.

When I am with him, I feel like I am in the right place at the right time.

I feel like I belong. 

I feel like I have already found a place for my unresting heart.

"A penny for your thoughts?" 

I did not notice that New was already standing in front of me. I blinked multiple times, trying to regain my focus, then smiled at him as I took in the glory that is him.

He looks dashing with only just a button-down blue long-sleeves, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, partnered with black jeans and white sneakers. His hair is brushed up which is a change from his normal hairsylr.

He obviously prepared for this day and I am happy to think that I am not the only one looking forward to this.


He is handsome.

He is cute, too.

The way his eyes crinkles when he smiles, ugh, makes me weak on my knees.


I admit that I like his body built. Would be nice without the clothes off.

Oy, Tay! Get your mind out of the gutter!

I look at him and I know that there's more than what I enumerated that draws me into him. I can't see it, but I know there is something pulling me. Like something tugs in my heart, making me want to see him every day.

"My thoughts are expensive. A penny would not suffice." I teased him as a smirk formed on my face.

"Hmm." New made a side-pout and looked up as if thinking. He then smiled at me coyly and took a few steps forward until he was only a foot away from me.

He leaned in and I am pretty sure the lamppost just gave away my feelings when he said something that made me want to jump to him then and there.

"Then would a kiss suffice, then?"



Short update for now! Your moot kinda busy hehehe

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