Passion Fruit

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DOM: Wen Kexing / Lao Wen
SUB: Zhou Zishu / Ah-Xu

Summary: Naïve Zishu had angered Kexing over something, which made him decide that he was to be given a proper punishment to reflect over his actions.

( Word Count: 4421 )


" Apple, Banana, Orange .... Che .... " Zishu's voice broke as his mind wasn't in a good state to even comprehend any fruit name. Cherry that's it, it was those damn cherries that had pushed him into the situation he was in right now. He hated cherries, for some reason he had hated them even more after today. A slap, more of a spank echoed through the entire room, resonating over every surface bouncing back to Zishu's ears. As though the sound was that of a pure melody, a laugh echoed like a maniac making Zishu shiver as he had triggered the hidden beast of his lover. He had triggered the Chief of Ghost valley and he wasn't ready to back down just yet.

" What have I said about something being mine ? " he demanded growling in his low voice, sending shivers down the naked body of Zishu, as though the punishment wasn't enough, Kexing had decided he would rip him off his clothes and make his hands to be tied across the the room, even the slightest movement and the wrappings around his wrist would tighten around his pale skin leaving a mark.

Kexing, even though was angry inside out, was enjoying the sight of Zishu being tormented under his touch. His seven nails of torture even looked like nothing compared to the torture he was undergoing right now. Zishu wriggled trying to set himself free from the ties that Kexing had tightened even more after he had spat some nasty words at him " I asked a question , you know I hate it when you don't answer me, right ?! " Kexing spanked Zishu's naked bottom demanding for an answer to the question asked earlier.

Zishu gulped hard as he looked at Kexing, his vision blurry after taking thirty spankings from Kexing, his body ready to give up at any moment, trembled even more as Kexing spoke, with pain hissing as though thousand needles have pierced on his butt, Zishu gulped once again as saliva had block his entire throat after leaving his mouth hanging open in foolish attempts to subdue his pain " What's yours.... What's yours... " he said as he voice trailed trying to breathe in between his words. He knew if he didn't finish what he said, Kexing would increase the punishment even more. " I didn't hear you love " Kexing said, crouching next to his precious Ah-Xu listening and enjoying his pain.

" What's yours is yours and no one can have it ! " he screamed the last bit of words as though his entire energy had drained off. But little did he know that Kexing didn't have any plans to let him go easily. " If you know what's mine is mine, then why did you do what you did ?! " he demanded once again pulling his chin closer to his face so that he could see his terrified expression. After all, the mere sight of him being helpless did wonders to Kexing. But he resisted them today as he wanted to enjoy torturing him today before devouring him.

Actually Zishu had gone out to the local market to buy some rations to fill up their supplies. Ne wanted to make sure they were stuffed for a week, so that he didn't have to travel an hour or two everyday just to buy something to eat for dinner. Kexing, being lazier than usual, refused to go, so Zishu had decided to go buy some things that might be useful for them. Since Cheng Ling was busy practicing, Zishu decided to embark on the journey alone. It was good to leave the two once in a while, as Zishu was not the type to handle too much chaotic energy. He was on the calmer side of the water, giving occasional larger waves. That being said he walked aimlessly for twenty minutes or so. That's when a stall with fruits had caught his attention.

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