Trapping The Omega

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Top: Simon
Bottom: Zhehan

Theme: Office AU and Alpha- Omega AU ( Two separate request processed as one ) 

Summary: Simon wants to make the most desired omega of his office as his own, but his plan takes a 360 turn and something unexpected happens.

( I stole the picture from my IG account lol )  

Word Count: 3745 


" Daikun looks so fine right ?" asked one of the coworkers to Simon as he was working on the file for the meeting. Simon looked at Daikun who stood near the printer taking some printout " He sure does ~" Simon smiled as he went back to his papers. In the world there existed The Alpha, the strongest and most desired ones like himself. There was Omega, who drove Alpha's mad with the pheromones who were extremely beautiful and every Alpha wanted one for himself. " Look he's with his friend once again" said the same coworker to Simon pointing to the guy standing beside Daikun. Simon rolled his eyes and looked at him irritated. " What's his name?" Simon asked as he kept forgetting his name " For the millionth time, his name is Zhehan" Simon rolled his eyes once more " Useless beta".

And there were the ones in between called beta, they were not higher as Alpha nor like the beautiful Omega. Their purpose was ... No one knew it and Simon certainly didn't like this Zhehan guy hanging around with Daikun. Even Beta could mate with Omega, so Simon feared Daikun might be snatched by Zhehan. As he was deep in his thoughts, Simon didn't notice Daikun standing in front of him " Simon ?" he called his name waving his hand. Simon melted for his sweet voice, it was as though angels had sung in his ears, Daikun was not only good looking but also very sweet and adorable. No wonder he was desired by many, including himself.

" Yes~" Simon smiled looking at Daikun, but he laughed " You looked spaced out" Daikun said giggling at Simon. He laughed awkwardly as Simon ruffled his hair " What is it Daikun?" Daikun puffed his cheeks " I have been meaning to workout, you seem buff, do you go to gym Simon ?" Daikun asked curiously as Simon nodded " Oh you can notice?" Simon smiled flexing his muscles making Daikun smile " Do you want to join me?" suggested Simon, Daikun looked at Zhehan and then looked back at Simon " Can Zhehan join as well ?" Daikun asked as his eyes gleamed, waiting for Simon to answer.

Simon took one look at Zhehan who seemed to be very silent and didn't reply. To be honest, Simon didn't like introvert's as well as Beta's and Zhehan was both. But since Daikun had requested with a cute expression, he couldn't say no " Okay, tag along, see you on Sunday then" Simon said smiling to which Daikun smiled waving him goodbye. Both Daikun and Zhehan walked side by side excited for their plan this Sunday. More than the two, Simon was the one who was the most excited. He had some plans, he knew if he executed this plan successfully he might make Daikun his forever.

Simon went home and opened his computer " Should I order one or two ?" Simon questioned himself " What if it is fake?" Simon said, closing his laptop halfway, " It wouldn't hurt till I try, right ?" Simon said excitedly as he decided to buy the product anyway. " Done!" He purchased the product and was happy that it would be delivered on Saturday. Actually one of his friends suggested his tonic which when mixed with water or any drink for that matter and if given to any omega. It would immediately put them into their pheromones state which would immediately want them to have an alpha to tone their sexual urges down.

Simon knew Omega's took medicines to control their urges, but his friend said that even tablets won't suppress the urge when this tonic is taken. Simon was very invested in the idea of having Daikun for himself and he decided to give the tonic a go. His plan was that on Sunday after a heavy workout, he would give Daikun a water bottle which would have the tonic mixed in it and as soon as Daikun takes it, Simon would step in and fulfill Daikun's sexual urges and at the time of their highs be would bite him in the neck making Daikun his forever. Simon laughed thinking about his plan as he was pretty much content with it. He just hoped nothing went wrong.

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