Moving On

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SUMMARY: Daikun has a hard time moving on from his step father, but will he finally be able to move on from him 

My first Ghost Ship in this book. More on the way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Daikun always thought he could trust him, he did say " Don't trust anyone other than me" Daikun said angrily throwing his glass of run at the wall opposite to him, making it shatter to a hundred of pieces " What a joke?" he laughed with pain filled in his laughter as well his eyes flooded with tears. He took the entire bottle and chugged it down his throat. His eyes fixed on the ceiling he knew it was all too useless when the only thing he would do was live through the pain again and again, that's all he could do. He felt as though it was punishment he deserved anyway, for hurting someone else in the process of finding " Love, I thought love was the one I had over you and you had over me, but" he said, grabbing the bottle. He shattered it on the ground " LUST WAS ALL YOU HAD FOR ME!" he said laughing maniacally.

He tried walking straight but ended up falling on the couch face down. The room was dead silent for a minute or two, but soon it was replaced by Daikun's laughter which was replaced by his sobs " WHY THE HELL DID YOU HAVE TO LIE TO ME?! " He continued to cry, but this time even harder, he knew he was helpless, " After all I don't deserve " he said to himself as his eyes began to drift to sleep.

Daikun was in his final year of college and even though he was quite a model student in his college, he always had trouble trusting people. He would rather be alone than get treated badly and hence he had his own boundaries which didn't make anyone get closer to him nor would he get closer to anyone. But he wasn't always like this. All the credits went to his step father whom he had trusted very much. But that was a story for some other time. " I swear if Professor Huang asks me one more time, about why I'm always alone, I would flip in anger" Daikun said to his classmate as they were walking down the hallway. Daikun didn't mind being alone, what he mind was when someone would trouble him with questions, like why would they want to be all over his personal life.

In the class ...

Daikun as usual sat listening to Professor Huang's class. Even though he was taking class, Professor Huang's eyes would once in a while look at Daikun. It made him roll his eyes. Daikun had to just bear with him for one more month , as the next semester would be his final one and he wouldn't have to attend Professor Huang's class. Soon the class came to an end and Daikun swiftly packed his bag so that he could escape without Professor Huang noticing him.

But too bad his attempts were all in vain and Professor Huang caught him just seconds away from leaving the classroom " Mr. Li, meet me in my office after the class" he said, taking his belongings. Daikun rolled his eyes as he sighed, he was getting tired of it. But since he didn't want to get any bad remarks in college. He decided to meet Professor Huang at his office.

At his office ...

" May I get in Professor Huang?" Daikun asked, knocking at the door. Professor Huang hummed in response, as Daikun stepped in, he closed the door behind. Daikun sat in the chair opposite Professor Huang, he sighed before he began to speak " What is it you wanted to talk to me about Professor Huang?" Professor Huang sighed " Daikun~ Look at me" Daikun who had his eyes averted from Professor Huang, looked at him as he had asked for it " Why are you avoiding me?" Professor Huang asked looking concerned, Daikun sighed " Because Professor Huang ..." but Professor Huang coughed indicating Daikun something else, Daikun immediately knew what it was " Because Youming, what we did that night wasn't appropriate, you're a professor and I'm your student and we both were drunk, so I hope we both move past what had happened, anyway it wasn't our fault, we both were in a bad shape that night and somehow we found each other for the night, I don't want you to stick up to it, its .... Umm.... One night stand move on"

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