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Mum came in and looked at me. "Chekkie, you okay?", she asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good Mum. Dad's just being inconsiderate right now.", I replied calmly. She sighed. "He always is... Of course you wouldn't be like him, I knew that already when you were born.", she explained. I smiled a bit and went to her, hugging her. She happily hugged back as Lucifer watched us.
"Your Majesty.", he greeted. Xalphire chuckled. "You can still just call me Xalphire.", she told him. Lucifer hesitated, sweat dropping a bit. "W-Well, wouldn't that be rude?"
"It wouldn't be, Luc."
"Alright... If you wish, then I'll call you Xalphire."
"I wish so."
Lucifer nodded and smiled a bit, visibly relieved and less embarrassed. "Alright... Thanks, Xalphire." She chuckled. "You're welcome, Lucifer."
I broke the hug after a bit and smiled proudly. "I finished the cape!", I said. She looked surprised. "Already? Wow, may I see?"
I nodded and showed her excitedly. She smiled as she took a good look at it. "This really turned out well, Chekkie. Good job!"
I smiled happily, proud of my work and that compliment.

That's my last happy memory with her. After that she and Dad got into many fights until he threw her out. I wasn't happy with that, yelled at him. He didn't seem to care, he only slapped me and told me to finally listen to him. To take over the kingdom when he's finally dead. 
I had enough and ran away. Down to the city, where eventually I met the person that would change my fate forever.


The shout rang through the streets, speckled with humans, who quickly got out of the way and bowed deeply. A bunch of guards went through the streets just as I got myself a roll, nibbling on it. I watched, frowning a bit as soon a full grown incubus passed us. Well, more or less grown. He was on eye level with me, if not a bit taller. So about 1,45 meters. Really small for an adult, or the almighty ruler.
I let out a sigh and bit down on my roll as suddenly a guy in a black robe pushed past me and attacked the incubus. Out of pure reaction I grabbed that guy and pulled him back harshly, growling. The guards immediately took the attacker into custody and brought him away. The realm had watched me closely, mumbling something to his bodyguard. The bodyguard nodded and came over as the group continued walking, handing me a card. I hesitated, but took it and thanked him.
He left, so I eyed the card. It was a pretty plain invitation to come to the castle on the hill.
An invitation to Greed's main castle...?
It was an insane honor to be allowed up there, especially for a child.
After a bit of hesitation spent with munching on my roll, I decided that I should give it a shot. I mean, I don't have much to loose now, did I?

After multiple days I eventually was ready. Since I snuck home once during that time and got my stuff, I was now all set and ready to head to the castle. Turns out, this was harder than expected with all my stuff, all in a backpack and a sports bag. The hill wasn't exactly flat either, so it was unbelievably tiring.
I tiredly yawned once I arrived, exhausted. Since I hadn't slept most of the night to prepare for this day, I was even more exhausted.
The guards just watched as I panted and regretted my life choices. One of them headed inside to tell their ruler about the newcomer, so I still had some time to break my rapid panting.
Tho, that time was cut short as soon the realm and his 3 bodyguards came out of the castle and approached me. One of the guards went back to his spot as the realm stopped a meter or so before me, eyeing me. "Exhausting, isn't it? You'll get used to it.", he told me as his first ever words towards me.
He had one hell of a voice, it sent a shiver down my spine. It wasn't like my mother's voice, but nowhere near my father's. His voice was soft, gentle and smooth, dripping with wisdom and yet childish purity and youth.
Upon taking a closer look, he didn't look much older than 12 or 15. And he was incredibly small!
I kept eyeing him for a while before bowing a bit. He looked at me almost in confusion. "Uh... What?", he asked confusedly. I got back up, frowning. "You're a higher up. I'm just a prince.", I explained. He chuckled. "Don't bow, buddy. I don't see myself being on a higher level than you, we're both living, breathing beings."
That day he taught me one of the most important rules, and the rule that impressed me the most.
As I stared at him in shock, he gave me a smile. "I believe I haven't introduced myself. My name is Jubilea. And you are?"
"C-Chekra.", I replied, still a bit shocked. He chuckled. "I like that name. Let's go inside, shall we?"

Multiple hours later he finally lead me to the dinner table, having shown me the castle. This thing was absolutely massive, and we aren't even done yet.
I had gotten pretty hungry, and seemingly, so did the realm.
Jubilea was a very careful and caring host. He loved talking about the most random things, tho stayed careful that I didn't get bothered or annoyed by this. I didn't luckily, enjoying this as well.
He sat down at the end of the table and patted a spot next to him. "Feel free to sit down.", he offered. I smiled and did so, staying next to him.
The servants brought in a bunch of different food items and set them down on the table. I watched, quite calmly actually since that happened at my home as well.
Jubilea leaned back a bit, stretching. "Eat whatever you want, you don't have to worry about anything. If you need something to drink, just raise your hand. A servant will come over and bring you what you'd like.", he explained.
I nodded happily and dug in, excited. This is already going much better than I expected!

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