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Since, Janell and I were having this sleepover thing, I ordered pizza, rented movies and got some more pillows from the closet and laid them on my bed. I moved my couch over to my bed so it would be more comfy.

I quickly took my shower, and got some make-up. I wanted this to be a fun sleepover, I wanted to bond with Janell. I know she feels a way everytime I hang out with Chrissy more than her. I walked to her room, seeing her watching tv.

"You ready?" I asked.

She nodded and followed me to my room. She chuckled once she saw what I did to the room.

"You like it?" I asked, proudly.

"Yea, I do. So what are we gonna do first?"

"Let's start with talking to each other, you know..confessions." I suggested.

"Okay, you go first though. Tell me everything with Jacob."

"Okay, 9th grade is when everything started. The girls and I attended the same high school, and wwe were still friends because we had the same classes. So one day, Alana was telling us about this boy, Chresanto. She liked him or whatever and he invited her and is to their table. So lunch came, and we walked to the table nervous as ever. She said he had friends but we didn't know they were that fine!" I stated, causing Janell to laugh.

"So we talked and Alana and Chres hit it off well. But when we were at the table, Jacob came and sat next to me. I had butterflies in my stomach when I was around him. He asked me for my number and girl I gladly gave it too him! After 1 month and 2 weeks he finally asked me out. I said yes, but when we were around each other, we were never lovey-dovey which confused me. Then he started being distant. When it was our 1 year anniversary, I caught him at the mall with some girl! I was so angry, but he was so sad, and I just couldn't break up with him...and people deserve second chances, right?" She nodded.

"Then he started being absent from school, late for classes. Not calling me, I didn't want to believe he was cheating, but that's all I could think of. Then he posted pictures on Instagram with other girls, like aren't you supposed to keep your side chicks on the low, but he wants to be dumb and post pictures with them. Our conversations, you can hear girls in the background. He had hickies on him, lipstick marks on him. Then today, he was kissing some girl..that really hurt me." I said as tears slid down my face.

"Don't cry sister..he's trash." She said consoling me.

"Yes, he's trash, and old news. So it's your turn now, Jan." I said wiping away my tears.

"No I'm fine, I don't want to talk know who. I will surely be in tears, also." She said, referring to her ex, Trevor.

"No tell me."

She sighed. "I met Trevor from my best friend Sierra. Sierra older brother was Trevor. So when I came to her house, I saw him. We stared at each other, until he finally talked to me. He asked me how old was I, and I couldn't lie because he knew his sister and I were in the same grade. So I told him I was 14. So he smiled which confused me. I asked him why he was smiling and he said because we can be together. I was confused as ever so I asked him how old he was, he said he was 15, turning 16. I was shocked because I assumed he was at least 20. Then we started doing a lot of bad stuff..he influenced me. But I cared for him too much to stop it, because I thought if I did he would end it with me. So one day, he wanted us to vandalize this house, but I turned him down because I had to study for a important test. Then I got a call from a crying Sierra, stating that her brother got arrested for 2 years." She sighed.

"Cheer up! You got Jovante, I'm sure you like him too." I said brining her curly hair, out of her face.

"Yes I know.. But I don't think he likes me, as much as I like him"

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