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Jacob Pov

I left the house walking to my car just thinking but not too much so I won't get into an accident. As I was driving my mom texted me asking if I can go to the supermarket and buy some groceries. I sigh and make a U-Turn going to the supermarket. As I was driving past an alley, I saw a familiar outfit and curly hair. I pullover and see its..


"Alana?" I ask. She quickly turns around and I look at the boy and see its Drew. I lightly chuckle because Alana stoop down and messed around with Drew knowing the bees him and Chres have. Drew and Chres have huge beef because Drew did a lot of sneaky shit to Chres when they were friends. I'm not going to get into detail, but trust me everything will come out.

"J-Jacob.. what are you doing here?" She asked nervously. I looked at Drew and he had a smirk on his face.

"Why are you smiling nigga! Because if I call Roc that smirk would've been wiped off." He chuckles and shrugs.

Roc is his nickname we have him as young kids because people used to provoke him all the time and he never cracked, and when he did... It won't be pretty.

He was about to walk away, but grabbed Alana's ass and tightly squeezed it.

"Don't forget my place later, or you'll know the consequences." He said. Even though Lana wasn't my girl, my blood was boiling.

"Really Alana?!" I shouted. She flinched real hard blocking her face with her arm, and I noticed a bruise. I walked up to her and grabbed her arm, but she hissed and pulled away.

"Who did this to you?" I asked looking at her bruises from a distance. Her eyes started to swell.

"Isn't it obvious?" She said letting the tears fall. I look at her giving her a 'don't tell me this was Chres' look. She shook her head no, and pointed her hand toawrds were Drew walked away.

"DREW DID THIS TOO YOU?!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air like a madman. She nodded as she started to sob falling on the ground.

I shook my head looking down at her. "Thats what you get for cheating."

She mumbled something, but I couldn't hear here.

"What? Speak louder!"

"I didn't cheat okay! I didn't! I would never purposely try to hurt Chres! Drew forced me to do these with him! When he first transferred to this school, he did these things to me. You know how you guys have football practice everyday afterschool, and the girls have cheerleading?"

I nodded my head, still disgusted with her.

"Well, when I leave the school to go to dance class, he would follow me and wait for me until class is over and follow me to my home! He has threatened me so many times! He used to always force me in his car. and drive me to his home, his friends house or an alley and rape me for hours! He got me pregnant once, and beat me so bad I lost the baby. That's where these bruises came from!" She said sobbing.

What the fuck?

I pick her up and put her in my car. I sit in the back with her and try to console her. Then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. and coincidentally it was Chres. Alana's eyes literally popped out of her head. She shook her head vigrously so I won't answer, but I did.


"Yea, Jay did you see Alana after we left the school?" I looked to my right, and she silently begged me to not tell Chres anything.

"Nah man I didnt, but if I do I'll call you."

"Alright later" Then he hung up. I look at her then out of nowhere tears formed in my eyes. I started balling. How can someone do that to a female? Alana is like a younger sister to me, and hearing her tell me all these things breaks my heart and makes me want to kill every fucker who touched her.

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