The Order of Supremacy

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Note: So...people are actually taking a look at this story! This story was inspired by so many things and it would be great it became pretty familar with people. Please rate and comment. Jace and I want to know if people enjoy reading our story! Thanks! -R

"Jace! Jace!".

Jace grumbled awake and slowly turned to his right. Standing alongside his bed was his best friend, Ruby.

She continued to shake him," Today's the day we leave this place and enroll into the best order there is!".

An order is where all the magic wielders, hunters, warriors, and mythical humanoids come together to form an alliance. An order also offers classes to those who enroll. However, all who enroll don't have a choice to opt out of the complementary classes.

These classes build more knowledge of what everyone is soon to go up against. Once a "student" passes all of his or her classes, they will be able to set out and fight alongside their party and fight off the Grieves.

The Grieves are vicious creatures that take the souls of anyone that come near it. The Grieves are located outside the magical barriers from the town's order that protects the rest of the town. There are 5 types of Grieves. More of that later.

Jace finally decided to get up out of his bed. He looked around his room. It looked like a little boy's room. There were posters of many famous wielders he admired. There were also pictures of him and his friends, including Ruby. There were also pictures of family members on his mantle. He walked to his closet and slid the door to the right. On the floor was a little solid red-plated box. He picked it up and set it down on the floor. He pressed against it with one finger and the box opened up. It lifted Jace's hoodie and shoes.

Ruby walked in again. She was in her white and sky blue cloak. It brushed past Jace as she went to sit on his bed. Jace flinched. Ruby's cloak was cold on the outside. Anything it touched gave the victim a quick touch of sheer cold.

She spoke up again," The Order of the Supremacy is going to be so fun!".

Jace was fully awake and joined in on her excitement," I know! I can't wait to see what it's like. I's the best order out there," he paused then began again," what if we don't get accepted?".

Ruby laughed and softly pushed Jace. He flinched again.

"Stop worrying we will! We're Jace and Ruby! The most powerful wielders! We've been wielders since we were little. We've been extraordinary at it since then! We showed it to the world at the age of 6! They'd want wielders like us in any order!".

Jace thought about it and nodded. She was right. Both of them are prodigy's, discovering elemental wielding at a younger age. Ever since then, the town has asked them for their help when a Grieve showed up unexpectedly and when the Order members were out scouting other parts of the town.

"We've been waiting for so long. We're finally old enough to get into an Order! They're waiting for us," Jace said.

Ruby stood up,"Then what are we waiting for? Get that little box you got from that nomad, your dog-dragon thing and let's go! My red pandolar's outside waiting!".

A magic wielder is allowed an animal companion. Jace has a beagle-bred wolf dragon and Ruby has a red panda polar bear.

Jace picked up his miniature crate and pointed it around his room. A golden light was sent out and Jace spun around. The box sucked up all of Jace's belongings. All that was left of his room was his unmade bed and lamp.


Jace walked downstairs and saw Ruby at the door. It was open and behind her was her pandolar, Yuki. Once Jace stepped off the final step, his dog-dragon, Cocoa flew up to him. "Come on Cocoa, we're going to go the best guild out there!".


Falcutasville was a beautiful town. It had an equal mass of water and an equal mass of grassland. Jace and Ruby have walked every single inch of Falcutasville and know their way around the large town. Yuki walked alongside the path leading up a steep hill. Many order members stopped next to them shocked to see a large polar bear. Pandolars were rare.

One member turned to speak to them," Are you two going to the order?".

Ruby smiled and said," Yup! We're going to try and get accepted!".

The teenage boy gave them a puzzled look," Ha! Good luck! The Order of Supremacy is really difficult to get into. I just moved to Falcutasville just to try and get in myself. It's my second year here. When I first arrived, they sent me out immediately, but I proved to them that I was worthy enough. It's been my life-long dream to get into an order like this one,". He began to run," Well, good luck!".

Jace looked down and Ruby waved happily at the boy.

Jace looked up,"Do you think he recognized us?".

Ruby continued to wave and smile. Her face remained into a smile as she spoke to him," Nope, but we're gonna show him who boss,". Ruby jumped off of Yuki and Jace did also.

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