Chapter Seven

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The gravel and dirt crunched mockingly with each step I took distancing myself from Ronnie and bitch face. I know that it isn't really Ronnie's fault she did that to me but for some reason each time my legs squeezed against my stump from the drink she dumped on me I got more and more angry with him. And the fact that he is still in there with her didn't make it any better. To think this date was going so well.

When I made it out of the parking lot and to the street I heard a car pull up to the side of me. I pulled my box of cigarettes out from my purse. I don't smoke that much, only when I'm mad or genuinely upset. Taking a long and needed drag, I looked over and saw Ronnie's black truck and his window was down. I sped up my pace with was useless since he had a car, "Piper stop."

"No. I'm going home." I took another drag and crossed my arms over my chest like child having a tantrum.

"Okay, I get that. But at least let me drive you there." I stood silent and kept walking. "Don't make me physically put you in my truck."

I whipped him a death look, "You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?"

I looked back down to the ground and kept walking. His car stopped moving and I picked up my pace to no avail I felt his strong arms scoop me up and toss me over his shoulder. "Ronnie!" I screamed and hit his back with my hands, "put me down! I'll get home on my own!"

"Over my dead body." He tossed me in his car, took the cigarette from my mouth, stomped it out, and buckled me in. "If you try to run I'll just go get you again so just save yourself the energy."

I crossed my arms again and stared out the window. I heard him get in and shift the car back into dive and it began to move.


The ride back to my house was silent. I didn't respond to anything he said to me and after a while he just gave up.

When he pulled up he got out to open my door but I did it myself before he got to me. "You're being totally unreasonable, Piper. I didn't know she would do that."

I started to walk away, "that's not the point."

He grabbed my hand to stop me from walking further, "then what is the point I'm missing here?" His eyes searched my face desperately for an answer in a way that made me melt.

"The point is it happened. And the only reason it did was because you took me to a place your fucking ex works."

He pulled me closer, "I didn't know. I'm sorry. And by the way, that was a good right hook. Maybe you aren't the good girl I thought you were."

He smiled but I kept a stone cold expression, "yeah, well, I-" I didn't get to finished what I was going to say before his lips crashed down on mine. My eyes were wide open and I didn't kiss him back at first but it wasn't long until I was putty in his hands. I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him with such passion it felt like my whole body was on fire.

With a need for control and cupped my face in his hands and pushed me back until I slammed up against his car with a rough force but I didn't feel anything. His lips were hot as ever on mine, moving with a hunger so bad it felt like I was the only one who could satisfy it. More rough than anything, he ripped my hands off his neck and held them above my head so I couldn't move. He removed his lips and bit my bottom lip and gently tugged at it making a small moan escape my mouth. He smirked and released my lip, "oh good girl, am I corrupting you already?" His voice was deep and husky filled with nothing but plain desire.

His lips fell on my again and his tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance which I immediately granted. His tongue was only in my mouth for a mere moment before he pulled his mouth away and began kissing down my neck hungrily.

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