Chapter Twenty Eight

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It took a two to three weeks after the news was dropped on Ronnie regarding diapers and bottles but he warmed up to the idea. Although he's still reluctant and reminds me on a daily basis that he's not ready and he really doesn't want the baby, I know somewhere deep inside him he was hiding the fact he's curious about parenthood. The man is thirty one for Christ's sake, how can he not be ready? It'll be too late by the time he finally is. Plus as I said before, I can't see the shell crack away and excitement peek through as we talked about names and started looking at baby furniture. I didn't know if he was acting that way for me or if he truly was starting to get excited but I wasn't complaining.
We laid in bed cuddling now. Ronnie's hand was placed firmly over my belly even though I was the only one who could feel him move from the inside, it's comforting to have him touch my baby's temporary home. Besides, moving onto month two I was starting to show, just barley, but people can tell now if they look hard enough. I wake up every morning and stare in awe at my slowly but surely growing belly. I don't even notice the fact that I have no legs anymore. All the amazing things about pregnancy over weighed the disgusting ones and I love it. We had decided not to tell anyone, even our fathers, about the baby until we know if it's a boy or girl.
After a while of just cuddling in bed we finally got up and decided to go to lunch. And since it was a beautiful day out we walked instead of using the car. We held hands and walked on the sidewalk talking about more baby stuff. People looked at us weird which was understandable, we're weird looking couple. When we got to a little restaurant the waitress gave us a table outside where we sat under the umbrella and ordered.
"What do you want it to be?" He asked me.
"I don't know, maybe a boy. Yeah I think I'd like a boy so he can be in a band like his daddy."
Ronnie smiled, "I want a girl." My heart fluttered when he said the word want. Finally he showed some instead in the life we created.
"Why's that?"
"The world can never have enough beautiful girls." He said smiling at me.
I blushed, "what did you think when you first met me?"
"Well first I was like 'oh shit I just knocked a girl unconscious' then I saw hire feisty you were when they pulled you out of the crowd. I was curious about your legs, of course. But your eyes got me." He took my hand, "when I saw those big brown eyes I needed to talk to you. Glad I did too." The waitress set our food down in front of us. "What did you think of me?" He said looking at his food.
"Well, I thought I was going to pass out, not because the concussion, but because my idol was talking to me then asked me on a date." I laughed, "did you ever think you'd end up with a fan?"
He laughed, "fuck no. I made a promise to myself that I'd only fuck 'em, never love 'em."
"What happened to that promise?"
"You did." I smiled at him and took a bite of my salad.
For the rest of the day we just chilled at home watching Netflix and taking about baby stuff and the wedding. Every time I think I'm gonna give up on Ronnie he gives me a reason to keep holding on. Life is like a really bumpy rollercoaster, always up and down. Lucky me I love rollercoasters.
I wore a white puffy princess wedding dress with a lot pig cleavage. My heels were so high I could barley walk in them. Whoever did my makeup went a little over board. I didn't even look like myself.
I held my dad's arm ad he walked me down the idle with hundreds of people looking at me. At the end of the isle was large gazebo with Ronnie, a justice of the peace, and a baby boy in a carrier.
I wasn't looking at myself but I knew I was smiling bigger than I ever had before. And when my dad kissed me and handed me away to Ronnie I felt the tears pout happiness about to spill over. "Hi Anthony! Mommy loves you!" I waved at the infant behind Ronnie who was sound asleep. He looked like Ronnie.
"You look beautiful, good girl." Ronnie said smiling at me.
"You know me." I said smiling back.
We repeated all the lines of vows to each other. His hand encased mine and I knew this was it, "I do." He said after me.
"You maybe now kiss the bride."
Ronnie smiled, "man, do I love you." He leaned in and just as our lips touched I woke up.
My eyes opened and they were a like wet with tears. I smiled and stretched to see Ronnie asleep beside me. I stroked his face gently. Then a horrible pain ripped through my body making me grunt and sit up.
I switched on the lamp to see clearer. And when I pulled the blankets up to go to the bathroom I saw the bed was soaked with blood. I took a sharp breath in when I saw and another pain stabbed my abdomen. I reached over and shook Ronnie, "Ronnie! Wake up!" His eyes opened slowly and looked into my eyes, "Ronnie, I'm bleeding."

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