Chapter Two

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I woke up suddenly staring up at the white ceiling that was illuminated with a pink glow emanating from my windows who's shades were drawn back. I sat up slowly and squinted out the window. The sun was just starting to peek over the city line miles away from where I still lay. My eyes don't blink away from the rising sun letting the beauty be mentally burned into my brain, momentarily shining over the darkness that is my head, my thoughts.

Once the sky went from the bright pink color to a light blue I swung myself over the side of the bed and readied my crappy legs to take the first steps of the day.

After I was up and dressed I made my way down the hall to the kitchen where the smell of coffee pulled me in like a fish on a line. Josh and Kate sat at the table and greeted me with a friendly good morning which I chose to ignore quiet rudely. I talk to no one until caffeine is in my system.

The ceramic mug that pressed to my lips instantly woke me up and I finally turned around to my friends, "good morning." I sat at the kitchen table and snatched up the newspaper to read the comics.

"You're chippy this morning." I heard Josh say not even trying to be nice. I glared at him over my cup and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Better watch it, Josh, one wrong move and she'll have your balls." Kate said as she walked away to pour herself another cup of coffee. She sipped it immediately after pouring it, no sugar or anything. I don't know how she does it.

"Not like she hasn't already." Josh muttered smugly. Kate spit her coffee which spewed everywhere, even my hair.

I stood up quickly and slammed my glass on the table, "JOSH!" It was as if I was watching the whole thing play from outside my body. Kate was on the floor dying with laughter, Josh was smirking but his eyes were apologetic and scared, and my face was burning red with anger and embarrassment. I whipped the paper any him and spilled my coffee all over the counter in the process.

I stormed from around the table and out of the kitchen "fucking asshole!" I screamed in my just before I slammed my door shut so hard a picture fell from the wall which I then kicked the frame across the room. My bed made a proof sound as I plopped down heavily. You have sex with a guy one time and he has bragging rights for life and it's so annoying. It only took a minute for the anger to melt away and I burst into a fit of giggles. I did have his balls.

After the laughter subsided I sighed and went to go pick up the smashed picture frame. I sat down beside it and brushed off the glass and gently pulled the corner of the photo out of the mess. I heard my door squeak open followed by a soft knock. I looked up to see Josh standing there. "Hey." He said quietly assessing the scene.

"Hey." I responded and looked back to the photo. It wasn't long before he was sitting Indian style beside me. "I miss them."

I felt his arm fall around me and I put my head on his shoulder, "I know." We stared down at a photo of my mother and sister for a while before he took it from my hands. "I'll fix the frame for you." I smiled and nodded my head at him. "And Piper, I'm sorry for what I said."

"Its fine."

It only took ten minutes until Kate and Tyler were in my room with us and we were all playing monopoly together like we always do when we're anxious for something exciting. Tomorrow is Warped Tour.

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