11.I knew You were trouble

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On Friday, Danielle and I were having another scene together. It was Thursday and I hadn't spoke to her. I was having an appointment with Krista that day and, I don't know why, she asked me to go to the set of Station 19. Our meeting ending around 8 o'clock and I found out all the guys were there filming some night major scene. I saw Danielle, but she didn't notice I was there. I was feeling bad, actually bad; my head was a total mess but my body was tired, too tired. I needed to talk to her, so I waited near to her car. I waited and waited and waited, trying to prepare a speech; picking words carefully. I saw all Station 19 firefighters coming to the parking. Danielle was talking to Grey and Jaina, and was covered in dirt. Their laughs stopped when they realized I was there.

Everyone said good night and barely gave us a glance. Danielle came towards her car. We stayed in silence, waiting everyone to leave.

- I can't keep being like this - I said

- Stefania, I'm not...

- Its my turn Danielle! - I spoke a little louder - please bambina, its my turn to talk. I've been respectful, I've given you the space you seemed to need, but I just can't...

- Get in your car and follow me. We are not doing this here - she said. I nodded and followed her. I was so desperate, so anxious, I knew I needed to say something because it was killing me. So I followed her until I noticed we were arriving to my place. I went out the car and walked to the entrance. She followed me. She then closed the door and we remained in silence for some minutes. She was looking at me, all covered in dust, and still, I thought she was pretty sexy - So? - she finally asked

- I can't be like this Dani - I said - In vain I have struggled all these days, trying to give you some space, trying to figure out what's going out between us - I walked towards her but she stepped back - Please don't walk away from me, Dani, please bambina, don't... I need to tell you how I feel because I have this sicilian thing that doesn't allow me to stay quiet - she was looking at me, biting her lip - I'm not sorry for what happened between us - I said

- Stefania, that was a big mistake. We hooked up and that's all... I was too drunk and I just left myself go

- Wow, so that's It? I was a mistake? A drunk mistake? Danielle ever since I met you, since we first did that table reading I felt something like... I can't put down in words. I know you felt that too, said that... What we did was hmmm fantastico, bambina, and It wasn't a mistake to me... But no matter how much I liked it, how much I'd enjoyed It, how desperately I would like to repeat It... - I sighed - I just don't want to have this rare thing with you, we are working together for a long time - she arched her eyebrow - I had this meeting with Krista today. I am not supossed to tell you, not now, but I believe you need to know because we have to fix whatever is going with us. I might become a series regular...

- That means Carina is not just a hook up for Maya. That means you are going...

- To be around, Dani. I'm going to be on set a lot and if you and I are not ok... Danielle - I tried to approach to her again. This time she didn't step back

- You are going to be there more often - she shyly smiled. A smile between joy and sadness and her eyes wide open- I just nodded. She passed her tongue around her lips - I'm going to see you more - she murmured

- Can we talk about us? What are going to do Dani? I'm not some silly teenager that falls for someone that fast and I didn't want to talk to you about how much I might like you. I can't be on set if you are avoiding me, if you are not talking to me, if you are not looking at me. Its so hard to be this way and, honestly, the way you yelled at me on monday was... I felt so bad, because I wanna do things right

- You want us to be friends? To be adult women who talk about the way they feel? - I remained in silence - I enjoyed what we did, but I'd promised myself I wouldn't do that again, not with a woman... I don't want to be broken again, I was scared, I am scared Stefania, because what you make me feel is not what I want, and I'm so pissed off because I broke a promise I made to  myself long time ago... It's hard to explain and to be honest, I don't feel like talking about that with you right now

- I understand and I'm sorry

- How can you be sorry for this magnetism and quemistry I believe we have? - she approached to me and put my face into her hands - I knew you were trouble, but don't apologize, Stefania. I didn't look for this and I'm pretty sure you didn't either. But the truth is that this happened and maybe I needed to be drunk in order to do it, no matter how much I wanted to kiss you the first night I stayed here - I stepped back

- I'm seeing someone - I said

- Of course you are- she gave me a soft smile

- I was struggling so hard because since I met you, I felt this sort of attraction for you and if I invited you to my place the first night and asked you to stay was because I also wanted to kiss you... but I was thinking about him and I just couldn't do that to him but... that night at the bar. You were so beautiful and you came towards me, and danced with me and you gave me that look I couldn't resist it. And I felt you wanted to... and Dani,  I am also scared and I do not regret of what we did, but I feel guilty. I'm not going to say that what we did was a mistake, because it wasn't, I've always been proud saying that I never regret whatever I do but, I want to fix things with you, I can't stand your disregard

- I don't know how I'm going to kiss you on camera if I can't do it in real life. I think I like you Stefania and I think the quemistry between us, is undeniable and I might sound like some sort of silly teenager who has a crush - she tried to laugh, so did I, because I knew we were at the same point. It was clear that we both were attracted to each other and that both of us were struggling with merda *- friends?

- Are we going to succeed?

- We have to - she replied. I smiled. I had the feeling that I wanted Danielle in my life in a good way and that had to be more powerful than... She was staring at me, biting her lip

- Don't look at me like that, bambina, please. I don't want regrets or guilts - I was getting lost into Danielle's big blue eyes. Her look, was full of desire. She gave a step forward. I sighed

- Fuck it - she whispered

- Dammi un bacio - I finally said

- Does that means? - she asked almost in a whisper, and dangerously close to me. I didn't replied, just pressed my lips against hers, surprising Danielle. I put my hands in her ass, how much I'd wanted to touch it! Our tongues met, and we began to breath fast. Dani's hands, that were holding my face, went down to my blouse, and began to unbotton it

- Are you sure? - I murmured, giving her a kiss on the neck

- No - she replied taking off my blouse - oh, what are we doing Stefania? - I went back to her lips. I didn't want her to speak or she could stop what we were doing and also, I didn't want to think about him, Dani was everything I wanted that night, so I guided my hand to her jeans and unzziped them - fuck me, please - she said

A/N: Danielle made a cover from "I know you were trouble" (Taylor Swift). You can find the video on YouTube.

* merda: shit

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