7: The turning point of her life

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Sakura was moving back and forth restlessly in front of Temari. Temari was knitting contentedly, unconcerned about her agitating state. Sakura stopped to watch in awe as the knitting began to form a beautiful baby suit with a cute little button. She could see the blonde-haired woman smiling serenely with a motherly love expression while she was finishing her work.

Sakura paused, pondering how to handle the situation, battling with her turmoil emotions, thinking very hard how to start the conversation, before giving up and finally blurting out bluntly

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Sakura paused, pondering how to handle the situation, battling with her turmoil emotions, thinking very hard how to start the conversation, before giving up and finally blurting out bluntly. "I slept with him last night."

"Who?" Temari lifted the finished blue suit to admire her work.

"You know who I'm talking about." Sakura frowned. "You were in the market this morning. You heard the rumors."

"So the rumor is true then?"

"No, of course not." She sighed. She leaned against the window panel with her arms crossed. "I just woke up with him on the same bed."

"So what's the problem?" Temari asked in a disinterested tone.

Sakura didn't answer the question immediately. She looked out the window, watching a group of children giggling happily while playing hide and seek on the playground.

"He wants to continue what had been left last night."

"So that's the problem?" Unconcerned at Sakura's flat tones, Temari gathered all the toolkits and put them into a small box.

"Look, I didn't come here to play games with anyone." She began tapping her foot impatiently. "Especially him."

"The one who started the game is you." Temari pointed out.

"Me?" Sakura arched her brows, challenging.

"Yeah, it's you. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for entering the contest."

"I wouldn't end up in bed with him if you didn't ask your brother to interfere!" Her temper slightly hitched.

"I was trying to save your skinny ass!" With Temari's cheeks flushed with anger, Sakura could see the blonde-haired woman struggling to control her own patience.

Sakura tried not to wince. Temari was now in a critical condition during the pregnancy stage. But what did Haruno Sakura do as a medic? Trying to raise Temari's blood level with her hot temper. Really not a good move.

Temari calmed herself before continuing. "Okay, let's look at it this way. If Gaara didn't interfere, and you lost to somebody whom - may I say some butt ugly weirdo who likes all those kinky and fetish stuff- and he made you felt sick by his dirty and disgusting sexual acts." Temari's gaze was pointed haughtily towards her. "When it comes to the morning, you will hate yourself even more."

Sakura hated it when I-am-the-sensible-Temari was always right, as usual.

"My ass is my own concern. Thanks but no thanks." Sakura said tightly. She bit her bottom lip to calm herself. "He said I owed him what happened last night." She paused before continuing.

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