10: The Culprit

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Sakura was sneezing uncontrollably. She quickly opened her pouch to retrieve a tissue paper.

"Having a cold?" Matsuri lifted her head from the report and glanced at her. They were in her new office room and had been discussing the selection of the new students for the medical advance class.

"Here? In a warm and dry place like Suna?" Sakura muttered.

"Maybe somebody is talking about you now." Matsuri smiled.

Sakura pulled her face. She wasn't surprised if it was true at all. Thanks to a certain Kage, she was the heart of the market gossip nowadays.

"By the way, you do look different today."

"Maybe because of my new uniform," Sakura said, feeling conscious of her new medic uniform. She liked her looks now as the white suit made her look prim and proper. As the weather was so hot, she put her hair into a bun.

 As the weather was so hot, she put her hair into a bun

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"That too, but," Matsuri frowned. "You look so positively glowing."

"Get out."

But Matsuri was still staring at her flushed face. Understanding dawned on her face. "You have been sleeping with someone." Then she gasped. "So, the rumor is true then."

Sakura made a face, "If the rumor consists of the marriage subject, the answer is absolutely untrue."

Matsuri narrowed her eyes. "When I heard Kankuro-kun won the bet, I thought it was just another rumor."

"What bet?" Sakura started to frown.

"There had been a wager issued on when you two will move together and this morning I heard the rumor about Kankuro claiming the winning prize."

Sakura stilled. Then she scowled when she remembered this morning's incident.

"I will kill him."

"Who?" Matsuri looked anxious.

Sakura smiled sweetly. "Kankuro, who else?" Then, she scowled. "I will make him suffer first and then kill him very, very slowly for all the humiliation I got."

"Now, I am confused."

"There's nothing to be confused," Sakura muttered. Then she sighed. She told her everything about what had happened the previous night.

"Oh my..." A speculative look showed on Matsuri's face. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Besides killing Kankuro? Ignore the rumor, of course. Sooner or later the speculation will burn off, believe me.

Matsuri frowned, "If you ask me, I don't think it is going to be that easy." She looked at Sakura. "After all, you are still sleeping with him." She pointed out.

"You know your Kazekage very well. You know I am not the type of person he has usually been with. Besides," Sakura straightened her point, "he easily bored with one woman, remember?"

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