❝Mixed Emotions All Around❞

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Five Years Later 2023

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Five Years Later

Davina waited for Steve on his motorcycle as Steve had finished up with his support group. As soon Steve came out, a smile made way to Davina's face and Steve immediately kissed Davina with a combination of a soft and passionate kiss.

"The meeting was that intense today?" Davina asked, as they pulled away from their small kiss. Steve replied Davina's question by nodding his head as he took the motorcycle keys out of Davina's hands.

"How was your visit with Tony and Pepper? Did Morgan like your gift?" Steve asked as he sat on his motorcycle but pulled Davina closer to him, as she stood between his legs.

"Tony and Pepper are happy, wouldn't expect anything less from them. Morgan may have loved it too much. I'm afraid that she will beg Tony to teach her how to use a weapon now." Davina mentioned, smiling as she wrapped her arms around his neck and Steve's hand was wrapped around her waist.

"I told you to get something appropriate for her age, but instead you bought her a holster." Steve mentioned and Davina rolled her eyes, motioning her hands around while keeping her arms locked around his neck.

"Hey! Like a holster is a bad thing. It's badass and Morgan will use a weapon at some point in her life, considering Tony is a superhero. Besides, I'm sure Tony won't allow her to fire any guns or anything until she is a teenager, until then, they have nothing to worry about." Davina mentioned and Steve looked at her.

"I hope to God that you are right, Davina. Should we go visit Nat? I have wondered how she is since the compound is empty." Steve mentioned and Davina nodded her head, smiling.

Davina had gotten on the back of the motorcycle and wrapped her arms around Steve's waist as she placed her head on his back as he rode off to the Avengers Compound.

Davina and Steve had gotten a small apartment in Brooklyn after two years of staying in the compound with Natasha, not wanting the lady to be alone after the event that happened with Thanos. But Natasha insisted on the couple having their own privacy and trying to live a somewhat normal life, given everything that happened. So, that's what they did.

Natasha helped the couple find a nearby, yet affordable apartment in Brooklyn. Davina enjoyed living in their small apartment in Brooklyn and Steve had felt like he was back home, which made Davina happy. They haven't danced in their apartment but every once in a while Davina would dance while she was doing laundry or dishes after they eat and Steve would watch her move around, which made him happy.

Davina tried to convince Steve to get a suitable car but he was too hanged up on his motorcycle. With time, it grew on Davina. The more she went riding with Steve around New York the more she was convinced. So, they kept the motorcycle. To summon it all up, the couple were extremely happy and they were planning their wedding, which was set in four months from now, given the circumstances and the timing.

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