Snuggles, soup, and stories

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Ok! Here it is!! Omega is recovering from her wounds, and Hunter got a cold, so let's get ready for some snuggles, story's, and soup! Enjoyyyyy! (I'm so exited to write this XD)

Omegas POV

"Ok, once we land we're going to have to get lots of supplies, and do some fixing on the ship." I hear Tech say.

My eyes flicker open. I yawn and sit up, then A small jab of pain goes through my arm.

"Ow." I mumble to myself.

I look around and see Hunter asleep on the chair. I giggle.

"Hunter. Huuuunteeeer. It's morning." I say, poking him.

"Wha-oh hey Omega- Cough cough- you doin ok?" He says.

"Are you sick?" I asked, cocking my head.

"No, dunno why I coughed."


He got out of my room (she had a chair in her room I think) and head over to the center room. I decided I would go with him. I slowly and carefully climbed down, making sure to be careful of my leg and arm. Then I joined them.

"Ok, we'll need to split up, someone -cough cough- will stay here with Omega, two will go do the arr- cough  cough cough- ends, and then one person will stay here and do the- cough cough cough cough- repairs." Hunter said before going into another coughing fit.

"Uh, Hunter, you good?" Wrecker asked.

"Yeah you sound sick." Echo pointed out.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Hunter said, crossing his arms.

"Hunter, admit, you sick. Must be a cold, they often happen overnight." Tech replied.

"You can stay here with me." I suggest.

He sighed. "Well what about the arrends?"

"Me and Wrecker can handle it." Tech told him firmly.


After an hour or so of preparing, everyone finnaly set out. Except me and Hunter. Hunter was told to rest and Tech had made us both soup. I limped over to my room and grabbed a bunch of my blankets.

"Whatcha got there?" Hunter asked.

"Blankets!" I say, holding up the blankets with my hands. (Just imagine her for a second with blankets on her, putting her hands up with the blankets on it.)

"Ok, why don't you set them up and I'll go get the soup."


I place them around me and a spot for hunter, then keep one and rap in around me.

Hunters POV
Once I got the soup I brought it into my room (let's just pretend they have their own rooms k.) to see Omega huddled up in blankets. I chuckled then started coughing.

"Are you ok?" Omega asked, concerned.

"-cough cough cough- Yup. I'm fine." I said.

"Ok. Now eat your soup." She demanded.

"Alright alright."

I sat down next to her and ate a few bites.

"You happy?"

"Very." She giggles then ate some of hers.

After a while of eating soup (and spilling soup) Omega looked at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you got sick." She said quietly.

"Oh really?" I said, then tickled her a little bit. She slapped my hand away.

"Can you tell me a story?" She asked, looking up at me exitedly.

"-cough- sure. Well, one day there were four clones, they weren't like any other..."

(Time skip to the end of the story.)

"... and then the clone decided to leave his brothers and go with the other special clones. The end." I finish.

I look down to see Omega asleep, her head resting on my lap. I smile and for a while just sit there. I listen to Omegas soft snoring. Her mouth was partly open, with drool hanging out. I pat her head.

After a little bit, Omega starts to stir.

"-yawn- How long was I asleep?" She asked.

"Honestly, I don't really know." I tell her.

She sits up and stretches.

"When do you think the others will be back?"

"Well Echo could come in here any minute, and Wrecker and Tech should be back soon, it's getting dark." Right when I said that, the others walked in.

"Well it looked like you guys had fun." Wrecker said.

"Yep, Omega, why don't you help me clean this up, then it's time for bed." I tell her.

"But Hunnnnnterrr I'm not tiiiiireeeed." Omega complains. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"No buts."


She picks up the blankets and drags them to her room.

"Hunter is such a dad." I hear Echo whisper.

"What was that?"


I shake my head and go to tuck Omega in. Before I do, I have a coughing fit.

"Hey kid,  it's bed time." I tell her.


I climb up to her room, and she lays down. I turn the light off.

"Good night kid."

"Night Hunter."

I smile and go back into the center room. I start coughing.

"Ugh when is it going to go away." I grumble.

"Most likely in a few days." Tech says.

"Alright." I go into t he Cockpit.

I don't care if I was sick all day. Hanging out with Omega was worth it.

Well how was that? Which chapter was your favorite so far? Also sorry it was short. I hoped you enjoyed! -Cavalry

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