10 reasons i love you (oneshots)

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I'm bored so ima do some one shots and then a few scenarios with them.

1: Omega is one of the only persons that'll make him smile
2: he'll stay with her all night if he has to
3: he is way to overprotective of Omega
4: Omega is the only person who has seen him vulnerable
5: he gives her hugs
6: he calls her Ner ad
7: he lets her sleep in his bed if she had a nightmare
8: he'd sacrific his life if she was in danger.
9: it breaks his heart when she cries
10: when he makes promises to her, he will never break them

1: she'll tackle him in a hug
2: she listens to him
3: she hates seeing him sad
4: when she's sad he's the only person she'll go to
5: she's called him dad before
6: she doesn't like to worry him
7: when he's sad she'll curl up on his lap and hug him
8: when he has to stay on the ship she stays with him
9: she sleeps next to him sometimes
10: He is her role model, and she wants to be just like him.

1 I sat on the side of my bed. We had had a really rough day today. I felt bad that I had snapped at the other batch members, they were only trying to help. To be honest, I know it's my fault we messed this mission up.

"Hunter, you ok?" I hear Omegas voice from the door and I look at my feet.

"Yeah... I'm fine. I kind of want to be left alone right now though." I sighed.

"Ok... it's not your fault you know. I can tell your blaming yourself, and I know you didn't mean to snap at the others. It's ok." I looked up at her, and she smiles, and I return it with a small, but wholehearted one.

2 it was my shift right now. I sat in the cockpit, staring into the voids of space. I can feel my eyes getting heavy, but I kept them open. I yawn. Suddenly I hear a sniffling behind me and I turn around.

"Hey 'mega. Why you up so late?" I say.

"I- I had a nightmare." She says quietly.

I pull her up onto my lap and she lays her head against me.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Um... well in the dream, everyone left me, and I was alone. And then I- I found- I found you- dead." Her eyes overflowed with tears and she cried into the crook of my neck.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm right here, I'm never going to leave you. Ok?" I told her, stroking her hair.

"B-but it f-f-felt so real." She sobbed.

"I know, I know. But that's never going to happen. I promise." I soothed.

I see Tech come in, and nods at me, so I pick her up and bring her to her room.

For a while we just sit there, her sobbing into the crook of my neck. I whisper comforting words into her ear.

"When are the nightmares going to go away." Omega sniffled.

"I don't know... you should get some sleep." I murmured.

"But what if-." She started to say.

"I will be right here when you wake up, ok?"


(BRo idk how to do this kinda stuff)3 We were walking down the alley ways of ord mantel. We had lost some parts over here, so me and Omega went to go look for them.

"Hunter, is this it?" Omega asks.

She's holding out a few screws, but they look really sharp at the ends, and one of them almost poke her.

"No, put them down you could hurt yourself." I grumbled, digging through some bins.

"Ok." She helped me look through some bins, only to get her hand cut on something.

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