Alternate ending

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"AZ's power is out. I'm going to get him."

No no no! Hunter thought panicked. If Omega went down there, she could die... and the thought of that happening scared Hunter more then dying himself.

"Omega no!" He exclaimed into his comm.

"I have to hunter. He helped me, now I'm going to help him." Omegas voice was small, and with a hint of fear.

The commline went off and Hunter panicked. Omega, his kid, could drown for the sake of a droid. He was not going to let that happen.

"I'm going in after her." He decided.

"None of us can hold our breath that long." Tech said, worry in his gaze.

He ignored him, not caring for the sake of his life, but for the life of the girl who had given him much happiness. Hunter was just about to jump in when Crosshair pointed his rifle next to his head.

"What are you-" He didn't finish that sentence.

Crosshair fired and some sort of grappling hook zoomed out, into the water. Hunter saw the rifle jerk a bit, meaning it must have caught onto something.

Crosshair pulled the hook up, and AZ and Omega appeared at the surface. Her body was limp, and tired. Hunter quickly scooped Omega up.

But she wasn't breathing.

"Omega?! No no no!" Crosshair watched as his brother panicked, hearing the fear in his voice.

"Tech she's not breathing! She's not breathing!"

Tech heard and jumped into the water, then quickly climbed up into the tub and began CPR.

"C'mon kid." He heard Tech mutter.

After a minute, Tech sat back.

"Any second now." He said.

Tech was afraid for his newfound niece. And even more scared for his brother, who couldn't live without his kid. Omega was... what kept them all together. Not everyone, because Crosshair, but they probably would've separated if it wasn't for her.

"C'mon ad'ika. Breath for me kid." Hunter whispered, cradling the little girl in his arms.

And seconds later she did.

She let out a gulp of breath. Hunter let out a breath he didn't no he was holding. He pulled Omega close to him, letting her bury her head into his neck.

"Thank you Tech." He whispered.

"Of course." Tech said, then got back into the tube with Echo.

Hunter turned to his littlest brother.

"And thank you, Cross." He whispered.

Crosshair froze at the nickname. Hunter hadn't called him that since... since before order 66.

Then something inside of him snapped. The empire didn't care for him. He was expendable, replaceable. But not to his brothers. Sure they left him, but Crosshair was karking shooting at them. But Hunter was willing to take him back, he gave him a second chance. Something Crosshair might not of deserved.

And Omega... he wasn't being replaced. They loved her, but they also loved Crosshair. Omega was more of a niece, or a daughter to Hunter. And Cross was their brother.


The empire was cruel and power hungry. His brothers were kind and excepting. They would take him back, make him feel loved. The empire... would probably kill him for living.

He watched as his oldest brother hugged the girl to his chest, rubbing circles into her back. He hadn't seen Hunter be so soft for... anything really. But the tenderness in his voice and the care in his touch was something Hunter would do to Crosshair when he needed someone to hold him.

"We're ok. We made it out." Hunter said.

Omega nestled her face into his shoulder, releived it was all over. That everyone was safe and alive. She let go and helped Hunter and Crosshair paddle, then gave Crosshair a small smile.


After hours of paddling they finally got back to the maurauder. Hunter lift Omega up and out of the tube.

The clones walked toward the ship, but was stopped at the sight of the destroyed kamino facility. Where they made freinds. Where they grew up. Where they discovered things about one another.

"I guess it's time to go now." Wrecker said, breaking the silence.

Everyone but Crosshair, Hunter, and Omega went inside the ship.

"Bye Crosshair!" Omega said, gave Crosshair a small smile, then ran back into the ship.

Hunter watched her run back, smiling:

"I guess I was wrong. Apparently kids are your area of expertise." Crosshair said, looking down.

"I guess so." Hunter replied.

"I'm sorry. The empire... they are wrong. Being reunited with you guys made me realize that. And that you actually care about each other. And I hope that you would be able to forgive me... and take me back?" Crosshair whispered. Sorry if this is sappy I can't write this sorta stuff X(

Hunter pulled his brother into a hug as the tears spilled from Crosshairs eyes.

"Course Cross. Course we forgive you." He whispered, tightening his grip. "Now come on. Let's go."

They walked back to the ship, arms around each other.

"Welcome back Cross." Wrecker said.

Tech gave him a hand on the shoulder and Omega came over and gave him a little hug.

They all went into the cockpit and Echo started up the hyperdrive. Hunter wrapped an arm around Crosshairs shoulders and around Omegas as they launched into space.

"Well, where to next."

This took forever. Sorry it was sappy and such but I needed a happy ending until season two. I'm also working on two other chapters btw. Also my new pen name is Cavalry

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