(4) Argument

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Madison had been to the market, stocking up on groceries that her aunt had asked her to get, however when she saw Tommy sauntering down Watery Lane with a bottle in his hand, she knew something had to be wrong and started jogging to catch up with him.

"Tom? Thomas? What's happening?" Madi questions.

"Arthur's been attacked." Tommy states, holding the door open for his sister, the two rushing into the room where Arthur was sat.

"You look like fucking shit." Madison blurts out. "Thank you for that Mads." Arthur grunts.

"You need to get the blood out of his eye." Madison comments, sitting backwards on a chair beside her eldest brother.

"That's exactly what I said." Ada says, "and they didn't bloody listen to me."

"Yeah well she's been a nurse, you got kicked out your only first aid class for giggling." John retorts.

"Drink this." Tommy states, thrusting the bottle in Arthur's direction, soaking a clean rag in rum, and holding it against Arthur's face, who winced and hissed in pain.

"He said Mr Churchill sent him to Birmingham. National interest, he said. Something about a robbery. He wants us to help him." Arthur informs.

"We don't help coppers." John replies.

"He knew all about our war records. Even Madi's. He said we're patriots like him. He wants us to be his eyes and ears. I said-" Arthur says, pausing to grunt in pain as Madison wrapped his thumb. "I said we'd have a family meeting and take a vote."

"He said patriots like him?" Madison asks and Arthur nods.

"Why not Tom? We have no truck with Fenians or communists." Arthur says, and Thomas' face remained still, a calculated look on his face. "What's wrong with you?"

"What the fuck is wrong with him lately?" Arthur questions again, looking at his sister and aunt.

"If I knew, I'd buy the cure from Comptons chemists." Polly replies.

"Pol, do you mind finishing him up? I've got somewhere to go." Madison asks, glancing to the clock.

"Where are you going?" John questions.

"Why'd you want to know?" Madi replies.

"Mads, where are you going?" Tommy asks, his voice stern.

"To meet Victoria, I told her I'd teach her poker, so we can play the next time we meet Ash and Eddie." Madison states.

"I like Victoria," John smirks, "we know you do, John Boy." Arthur teases.

"Jonathon Michael Shelby, if you try anything, I will bloody cut your dick off. The first friend thats my own gender and my brother wants to fuck her, bloody brilliant." Madison speaks, reaching for her cigarette case and jacket.

"I won't, damn." John chuckles, putting his hands up in defence.

"Good." She says, before walking out of the door, striding through the streets of Small Heath, people scurrying out of her way as she passed by.

"You're late." Victoria states as Madison enters the house. "Family emergency." Madison replies.

"What sort of family emergency?" Vic asks.

"The sort you don't need or want to know about." Madison answers. "It's clearly upset you, if it's important to you, it's important to me." Victoria replies, gently pulling Madisons neck down as to brush their lips together.

"Arthur got attacked." Madi tells her, "that's awful, by who?" Victoria questions.
"Doesn't matter." Madison replies.

"It does, you can't let them get away with this." Victoria states. "Funny you should say that." Madison laughs, shaking her head.

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